Well... I've always said it can get better and that's the summary message of this post/feedback.
I have played a total of 8 matches on the 360 today... and I was utterly disappointed with 5 of them. 2 of them? I quit early because half my team hadn't scored even a single point via capture, kill, and was afc when I had respawned next to them for three respawns or less. One match, I witnessed the same thing on the opposing team and felt absolutely TERRIBLE for them...
I've been lucky to find people who want to play Iron Banner on both Destinylfg.com and raid groups in the past... this time, after not participating in the last few tournaments... I don't even think I'm going to get to Iron Banner rank 3. It was a GIANT chore back then and feels no less empty this time.
Maybe I'm just lucky these things occur naturally, that the game environments are not that challenging to me, it's why I continue raiding and such but... multiplayer for Destiny NEEDS to be counterbalanced with regard to Iron Banner. I'm liteally rubbing my forehead at some of the in-game decisions I've seen.
From people thinking they can go against a team of 6 by claiming control point A where myself and 3 or 4 of our team purposely stayed back to maintain map control to watching some players blindly rush into death after death after death. Do you guys like the respawn screen that much? Do you like not figuring out why you are dying so often? I mean, it's a video game. It's not complicated or fun to anyone when they lose because of you. It DOES impact players when you play less then a 1.0 in a tournament. That's why it's called a TOURNAMENT.
Maybe we should have Iron Banner skirmish down the road. At least then we can revive one another and watch how teams REALLY fair then...
It seems more of a chore to find even basic understanding players of how to distinguish themselves from the <.50 crowd and the <.25 crowd.
And that's been the issue. Maps being in rotation, maps not being counterbalanced according to existing strategies, players not being self aware of the field they are on, and players not playing to have the real fun: winning a match and redeeming the five medallions you cost the one person who carried you for the five medallion matches anyways.
Anyways, for those who don't know me very well, I don't get upset over stuff like this. I just quit. I refuse to be part of something where the expectations have been crystal clear since Day 1 that class abilities DO matter and we will be penalized for losses when the matchmaking system is not the problem. It's one part of it. The other part? Is controllable.
So with that said Bungie, here's my recommendation list:
#1. A 29 wielding a 272 primary, moderate to high impact and RoF gun (scouts, pulse, and hand cannons) cannot kill a 32 shooting at them within half the clip.
The reason for this is because I watched a player bounce around the map Shores of Time and expertly used the scout rifle most of the time... except he killed three 32's who were firing at him and my shields dropped in seconds as Thorn, set at 331, barely finished him off with a headshot.
I can't say the player was spamming, but I saw the kill feed and it was a non-upgraded "The Calling" scout rifle from the FWC.
That should NEVER be happening. I killed every player on that team, but if I can literally go purchase a vanguard or faction stock rifle right as IB starts and kill the highest armor rating guys with it then something needs to be addressed. The point of those guns is you work and invest into them. Redo the mathematics behind it is my suggestion.
#2. Change the control maps.
Drives me crazy how many times control comes up and suddenly I find myself in a situation on mercury or Firebase Delphi and the control points are the exact same. It's literally a draw to see who can get what spawns at that point (as I proved in the first Iron Banner.)
#3. Light level should matter. For every level difference? -X% of all damage types against someone higher then you. There's a reason why only 12% have completed a raid across all four consoles. Iron Banner? Should force the best to face the best. Not find randoms against a team of 6 and get trampled on.
If anything, I'd suggest we work around the tournament idea. Teams face off against one each in a bracket. Each bracket goes until you are the champion. Then a new bracket is formed and you keep playing. If you win it all? Lord Shaxx presents you with some additional experience towards your gear, ect.
#4. Please, please, pllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeee.... put a strict limit rule of all maps must be played in a RNG rotation order until all of them have been played on. Then restart the countdown.
It's been an issue since day 1: Strikes putting people into the same strike all over again... crucible matchmaking pitting the same players against each other even though they went to orbit for a reason... Iron Banner matches pairing people off with people who should ideally try to work with teammates more then lone wolf their way around so they don't die as often.
Those are my simple enough recommendations. Anyways, use the rest of this thread to talk about anything above or what you would like to for Iron Banner improvements.
Why aren't the game stats being tracked on Bungie.net? That's what I want to know.