So five friends and I were running CE on hard, when we figured something out about the Crota fight. When you kill the sword bearer, pick up the sword and just kill the gatekeeper, don't do anything to Crota. This will actually delay his rotation to the sides. Basically, we figured out that you can use the first sword to hit Crota, and use the second sword on the gatekeeper, to keep Crota from moving. The third sword is used on Crota, and the fourth on the Gatekeeper. Keep this up, and if you do it right, you will kill Crota on the seventh sword, and he will remain in the middle the ENTIRE fight. When he dies, everyone will get rewards. HOWEVER, there will be a light above the door where the swordbearer spawns, just like in the Abyss. Remember how pulling out your ghost can actually open certain doors? Good. One fireteam member must do the following:
1) Pull out your ghost
2) Open the door
3) Get on the floor
4) Everybody walk the dinosaur
Lol good one. Had me read right to the end