Why is there so much negativity towards Dark Souls 2? I thought it was amazing. From narrative to play style to environment. Its a beautiful game. Its less gritty than the first Dark Souls, sure, but that doesn't matter. It's a quality game. Sure, I'm excited to return to the roots of the souls, but DS2 brought a new world with bigger expanse. I do hope that the world is connected again, though. Everything leads to everything. I do hope that the multiplayer experience of DS2 sticks, though. Thoughts?
I feel like the hate went into the way it looked compared to the first and some of the controls being different (just because I remember bitching about it the first day I played it but got over it the next day). Just a guess but I honestly have no clue and whatever it is, since I've already forgotten it, it must not be something to really be worried about since it still has a strong fan-base or at least not to worry because it isn't that big of an excuse worth leaving the franchise for. Just a thought and sorry for the long comment but I'm still a fan of the franchise. Praise the sun \o/