Why is there so much negativity towards Dark Souls 2? I thought it was amazing. From narrative to play style to environment. Its a beautiful game. Its less gritty than the first Dark Souls, sure, but that doesn't matter. It's a quality game. Sure, I'm excited to return to the roots of the souls, but DS2 brought a new world with bigger expanse. I do hope that the world is connected again, though. Everything leads to everything. I do hope that the multiplayer experience of DS2 sticks, though. Thoughts?
I loved Souls 2. It felt like the pvp was improved, and combat felt a bit quicker and I felt less inclined to use a sword. I didn't like some of the weapon imbalances though. There were and still are some pretty cheap builds if you use weapon enchants. I remember hex builds being ridiculously OP too. They would just spam and roll in hope of getting a lucky hit or two. I also feel like Greatswords were too risky. A fast or laggy player can get around you and BS almost every time. Turtle and jesters armor bothered me too. People would stack armor and do nothing but backstab, while using 4 blessings to buff their armor through the roof. Soul memory was also a jacked up system, even though they did create a ring to help with the issue. Lastly, I liked the weightyness of characters in dark souls one more as well. Just my personal preference I guess. All in all though I do like DKS2, but while they made a lot of things more accessible and improved a lot in pvp, I can't shake the feeling they messed up a lot of things.