[i]*gives cigar, and a little request to Olorun, who finds me humorous*[/i]
Phew! That was close. Thanks Julie.
Now, to the asbestos shirt salesman!
[spoiler]sometimes we should worship the God that is Google. ;)[/spoiler]
*drives you to asbestos shirt salesman* [spoiler]ikr?? Lol[/spoiler]
Smashing. [i]"Salesman! One of your finest long sleeved asbestos shirts if you would be so kind!"[/i] *reaches towards asbestos trousers for the cash... Remembers that only my ashes made it out of hell* Damn. I appear to be naked. You would think I'd have noticed.... Back to hell good taxi driver! I must rescue my trousers! [spoiler]it's at this point I'm beginning to question my own sanity.... :)[/spoiler]
*sows dolla bills into pants* Here, wear these for now *drives us back to hell* [spoiler]i questioned my sanity once... [/spoiler][spoiler]it slapped me[/spoiler]
Comfortable. Thanks. *searches for trousers...* *sees little demon wearing trousers.* "Hey! Give those back!" *demon runs* *I pick up a rock* *wait for the long, more dramatic shot* *Throw!.......Smack!* *retrieves trousers, liberates cash* There you go. Here's your cash and your lovely dollar bill trousers back. Better take me home, I need to think of a nicer place to go on holiday.... [spoiler]my sanity isn't as direct as that - it tends to lurk in the shadows frowning dissaprovingly...[/spoiler]
Very well, to your house it is *drives you home* *shoves money under seats* [spoiler]lol! Yeah... since then I've learned [b][u]never[/u][/b] to question my sanity again[/spoiler]
It's been a good trip. *scratch* Thanks driver. Here's your last fare, and of course, a really good tip. *itch* Umm.. No underwear. Asbestos trousers. IT BURNS!!! *runs screaming into the house and tears off trousers* [spoiler]sanity is over-rated though. Just don't let it hear you say so. :)[/spoiler]
O.o [spoiler]lmfao[/spoiler] Thank you!!! *drives away* [spoiler]yeah, it just roundhouse kicked me for talking to you[/spoiler]
[spoiler]hehe. I'll be back later for another drive. Better feed the kids. :)[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nahh.. let them feed themselves[/spoiler]
[spoiler]tried that before. Not pretty, let me tell you. Took three weeks and a team of decorators to fix the mess. :)[/spoiler]