So this bitch ass teacher took away my phone in class right! Then she took it to the office right right! And i was on my way to class when i saw her, then i said hi to her and she said "don't talk to me cuz i feel that u are stalking me" i was like WTF!? Then she said that i am going to get a referral for harassing her....... She then started talking shit about me in my friends class, so i decide to talk with the principal of my school to fix this issue......
The reason she thought i was stalking her was bcuz she took away my phone and i was "[i]trying[/i]" to get it back....
Any advice on what to do??
I mean just do what any normal person would do....shave her skin off with a potato peeler, throw her into a vat of hydrochloric acid, and use the remains for chili con carne.