Mida, suros, thunderlord, or Gjallarhorn. With the red death and hard light being sold these last two weeks. I think weapons not usually sold will be sold.
I'm hoping for: Light Beyond Nemesis Armentanium (however you spell it) Radiant Dance Machines Thunderlord/The Last Word Any Engram
The last word or suros
I really want last word so that
i just want suros regime
Xur will have tears and disappointment like he has since the player base became (always has been) a bunch of whiny chilluns [spoiler]with that said a majority of the plate base is mature but the minority's somehow seems to represent the majority and I am simply responding to that[/spoiler]
As long as he sells me a darkness infused weapon frame I don't really care. He better have one tomorrow!
I hope its thunderlord
[quote][b]EDIT:[/b] This use to be a prediction for 3/20/15 but now it's for 3/27/15, just comment down below what you think he'll sell 1. Helm of inmost light/Armamentarium 2. Crest of alpha lupi/dot touch mes 3. Star fire protocol/Claws of ahamkara 4. Mida/Suros 5. Heavy 6. Chest engram[/quote]
actually mega man says he will sell hard light yaaayyy but bungie is operating xur themselves now so that sucks
It's gotta be Plan C! I've now had 4 this week drop, including one of a roc strike.
nooooooooooo i really needed something else and i needed a helmet engram well this could bbe wrong i mean because these were last weeks and xur sold different stuff then
i am hoping for plan c or no land beyond, the only 2 exotics i need, bungie i hope you dont disappoint......lol
Mida multi tool
Rumors are great. Anyway I just hope he brings exotic armor I [b]do not own[/b].
It's Suros for those who needs it. Enjoy
Armamentarium Don't touch me Sunbreakers MIDA
Actually now im hearing MIDA
I personally want it to be Suros. Also an armamentarium upgrade would be nice.
I bet he will sell ice breaker
He will sell Hard Light again.
Armentareum please
Thunderlord since he hasn't sold it yet
I want Thunderlord. Who's with me?
I really hope he sells no land beyond just to be dicks Bungie you know you want to and you have been sniffed out that you can directly change his inventory Embrace the hate lol