Great! You got pulse rifles back in the mix!
Too bad you did it by displacing scout rifles.
Look, I've always used scout rifles in PvP. And never have I had a problem with them, I can outgun most any gun with my badger ccl (including vex mytho). I really don't see what's wrong, even the Bline trauma is awesome
Lol, it took two rounds of Nerfs and a buff to scouts to even make them viable in PvP. If anything wouldn't pulse's be displacing auto's since they are now the go to bullet spamming weapon.
LOL what? Scout Rifles are amazing in PvP, you just have to adjust your play style, a lot...
Explain gheleons demise and mida multi tool. 2 of the best scouts in the game and they compete with some snipers... Especially gheleons demise
False, Mida wrecks if you're good with a scout rifle. VOC is also decent still
Agreed. But I think the bigger rant about scout rifles is the crazy accuracy of every other weapon in the game. Minus snipers, scouts should be the winner at range. But they're not. 1) There aren't enough wide open maps, and 2) the accuracy of other weapons places destiny PVP squarely in the camp of Call of Duty. I used to hate it when I would get sniped across the map by a P90 in Call of Duty. If someone wants 900 rounds a minute, great. But that gun should be crap at a distance. The same here goes for hawkmoon and thorn. I use 'em, and I like 'em. But the notion of a hand pistol performing with the same accuracy of a marksman rifle is ridiculous. But again, this isn't a frustration unique to Destiny, it's a frustration to all first person shooters with few exceptions (Ghost Recon, Killzone, and a few others I'm sure). I'm a mediocre PVP player. I can't go zipping around with a shotgun, blink jumping and throwing grenades while in the air. I'm just not that good. So I'd love to play at a distance. In the absence of that option, lately, success seems to be running around with a fusion rifle. I know they nerfed 'em, but everyone has a shotgun these days. And I've found that if I can position myself 20-30 yards away from opponents, simple guns like Murmur end up wrecking all those aggressive shotties. And man oh man, it feels good to watch some shotgun-welding charging rhino float away in a glowing white outline of death.
Bungie moddo, rob Peter and pay Paul , so -blam!-ed up their minds are
Part of the issue is that all the pvp maps are too small to have a place for long range engagements. Put the big maps into rotation!
I was thinking the same thing just the other day. With the exception of just a few scout rifles, most are now useless when compared to pulse rifles. Pulse rifles have more consistent damage close up and at range, have higher DPS overall, and can drop a guardian in less shots than most scout rifles (again very few exceptions) My "The Calling" scout rifle, which i got from a FWC package, can 4 shot head shot, and 5 shot body shot someone in the crucible. Keep in mind that this is a legendary scout rifle. The Strangers Rifle can 3 shot head shot and 4 shot body shot someone in the crucible and its a blue you get after finishing the Destiny tutorial. The Red Death is even crazier, with the ability to 2 shot head shot someone, and I think 3 or 4 shot body shot someone in crucible. People who say that "scout rifles beat pulse rifles at range" aren't factoring in the majority of Destiny's crucible maps. Most maps are small or medium sized maps which means you can't take advantage of a scout rifles increased range over a pulse rifle. Therefore making scout rifles, from a statistical standpoint, useless (unless you REALLY like scout rifles, there's no reason to even bother with them).
Edited by xCPT WOODx: 3/20/2015 7:56:13 PMMida and voc are pretty nice... Scout rifles have a waaay longer reach then pulse rifles
When used right, and no user error, MIDA will wreck.
MIDA says you're wrong.
Yeah right. Mida multi tool is beast. Fang of ir yut. Voc is still beast. Just cause you can't take out a pulse rifle doesn't mean scout rifles are useless.
They are still really good idk what you are talkin about
Try vision of confluence, it has the full auto perk, fires kinda slow but it can work.
Scout rifles and auto rifles are out.
Another NitC with firefly and explosive rounds is a beast in PvP and PvE!!!!! Try it out!
Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 3/23/2015 5:48:22 PMWorked hard to get a B-LINE TRAUMA before this Iron Banner and I love it. It's great. And then of course, my housemate as a random legendary drop got a B-LINE TRAUMA [i]with[/i] "FIREFLY" and "EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS". Which rocks out even harder in PVP. If you aren't familiar with how fast the B-LINE fires, there's a few seconds at the beginning of the clip I'll come back and add to this post. In the vid, we agreed I'd cover the back from anyone flanking my team (unfortunately they got slammed but like all situational moments in PVP I got lucky and wiped out 6 players before going down). But that scout rifle if you get yer hands on one with either "Firefly" or "Explosive" rounds you should max that bastard out and go to town. Love that thing for headshots. When they actually [i]register[/i] towards bountys that is, there's an issue in IB with headshots actually counting towards bountys and yes they always count for some people but without time stamps in PVP gameplay there's no way to show Bungie that some of the headshot kills from primary weapons (not the mytho) aren't registering towards IB bountys.
Edited by l23kilSHOT: 3/23/2015 8:39:11 PMYa pretty much im actually a pulse rifle fan but you are right. If your at scout range you might as well just pull out the sniper or an exotic HC which still have a ridiculous range. I would have figured the ranges would have worked like this working inside out for primaries: [b]Shorter Range[/b] Autos --> HC --> Pulse --> Scout [b]Longer Range[/b] Right now its more like this: [b]Shorter Range[/b] HC --> HC --> HC=Pulse --> HC [b]Longer Range[/b]
The problem with Scout rifles is not that they are too weak. Some can three shot people. And otherwise acurate people can make effective use of Scout Rifles anyway in PvP The issue with them is that PvP doesn't have a lot of maps that allows them to show their strength strength, Sniper rivalling range.
My iron banner scout rifle with explosive rounds and firefly says no. The new monarchy/dead orbit ones are great in pvp as well.
I think that it really depends on the map and how you engage. The Red Death is currently the darling of the Crucible because of the healing factor, but that really only applies to med/med-long engagements. Rusted Lands and Shores of Time both have good long sight lines that can lend themselves to scout rifles in general. Twilight Gap and Blind Watch also have several avenues that can be abused by someone with a long-ranged weapon. But in order to fully exploit the Scout Rifle's strengths you are subjecting yourself to a particular, sit-back play style. It is true that on those maps you are going to be competing against pulse rifles, and steady-handed Thorn wielders, but scout rifles will have every other gun out ranged, it just comes down to tapping heads. The real issue right now is that there aren't more maps for those who like to run scout rifles to play on. But next time combined arms comes around give that playlist a go and see how you fair on larger maps.
False, scouts are very strong. At least my gheleons demise is. Of course they are situational but still they outshoot every other primary at extended ranges.