I would say it's fine if he sells ghorn but then there better be no excuses during raids that people don't have one yenno?
Why would people need it for raids?
Like I know it's not necessary but of course there are those guys that say you have to have a maxed ghorn or whatever
Taking down crota
Selfish. I have one but want others to have it
It's not that I don't want others to have it. I just feel like it's better for the game if one weapon is rare and the only way to obtain it is pure luck. Some People play nightfalls solely for the purpose of getting it. I just think it's good for the game that it stays off Xurs loot table
You would be singing a different tune with close to 600 hours and no ghorn.
I don't think I would be. Before I got it I didn't really pursue it. Although it was a nice surprise I had already made up in my mind I didn't need it and that helped me to not even stress over not having it. My hunger of Crota did just fine but now that I have Gjallahorn, I like it.
Hawkmoon is only won
They said xur will sell it once more and then he will no longer. He already sold icebreaker last week so we won't be seeing him sell it again
Who is "they"?
Bungie. They decided to do this instead of patching them and making them weaker
Original post or it didn't happen.
They made it so he can't sell it anymore, and the icebreaker as well
Can't tell if you're serious or not lol
Agree with you on Ruin Wings only Exotic I'm missing including guns.
Lol I have ruin wins and I don't even have a titan. But in all seriousness, I'd give mine to you.
Yeah I didn't buy them from Xur because I didn't have a Titan then. But I regret it now. I'll get them eventually. My Hunter is the luckiest RnG character in Destiny. I'd list everything that I've gotten the past two months that I was missing that he's gotten me but the list is way to long.
That sucks. I didn't get mine from xur either but instead from an exotic engram trying to get don't touch me. I decided to keep it and maybe make a titan soon.
Why not Ghorn?