Well my fellow guardians I guess it's time for me to leave Destiny for good :( not because I want to or am over the game but because yesterday I woke up to find out that my son had deleted my 3 Level 32 characters (Titan, Warlock, Hunter) and then proceeded to the vault which was full and dismantled all my guns including 2 Gjallarhorns. I had all the Dark Below raid armor, guns, pretty much every exotic gun (duplicates of the best ones) and the best exotic armor for each character and yep now it's all gone all 500 or so hours and some really good luck from RNG all gone, gone to nothing. So pretty much all I"m left with now is the 2 level 3 characters he created, some heavy ammo packs, gun telemetries and the radiant materials I had.
I've met some really good people and had a lot of fun times because of this game and that's what I'll miss most about this game the social side of things it brought to me, just chillin and talking crap with my mates while raiding or whatever it was we were doing.
I guess I'll miss out on House of Wolves now too which I've already paid for because I can't see myself re-grinding back to where I was or even half of where I was :(
Anyways this is me signing off and saying my final farewell have fun out there guardians and kick some ass.
Edit 2: (I'm going to put it here so you don't have to go to the bottom to find the extra info added)
My log in screen ( I took this image when I first got 3 x 32's)
My current vault space and inventory (for the people who think I'm hiding stuff in there)
A tribute to my favorite character the TITAN (LOL)
Yeah, yeah I know them snipe shots LOL
OK so my son is 6 yrs old almost 7. Yes I'd let him play it occasionally at times when I was with him.
No my Ps4 was not password protected it was set to auto log in <(worst mistake ever, lesson learned).
The deleting process how I think it went down. (He was awake before me, I wake up at 7 or when my youngest wakes me if not before that).
He deleted my titan then made a titan done the story levels got to the tower then pulled all my guns out and dismantled them then transferred all he could to the titans inventory (consumables and radiant mats is all I had in the vaults general section) .
Then deleted my warlock and hunter I guess and made a new warlock. So everything on my characters deleted and my guns from the vault also.
The Reason (it was not done maliciously or in an act out to me at all)
When I first realised what he'd done I was angry and said to him why'd he do this all he said was I wanted to be the hunter then pretty much shut down. This didn't make sense to me because Hunter was the only class he didn't make.
The next day after work I had another chat to him he said the same thing he wanted to be the hunter, I said what do you mean you made a titan and a warlock, he said I wanted the controller to be red but I didn't know how to do that. Me???? what are you talking about.
He said I wanted to be second player so I could use the hunter we made, the fresh started character. Then I realised what he was going on about on the PS4 controller the light on the front is blue for first player and red for second player. A few weeks back we made a new character (hunter) because he wanted a fresh start (I guess having everything was to easy for him lol). So I made the new character on my second psn account which that day was second player with the red light on the front. He was looking for that character and wanted a fresh started character ( because Gjallarhorn is to OP I guess and should be nerfed LOL jokes). He didn't know I'm not able to get my stuff back.
Anyways shit happens and a big lesson learned for me.
[spoiler] Guardian Down[/spoiler] [spoiler]Check my grimoire[/spoiler] [spoiler]Bungie I need your HELP[/spoiler] [spoiler] it was fun while it lasted[/spoiler]
Edit 1: I'm currently at work and will reply tomorrow.
Edit 3: Thanks for the positive comments, the offers of help, advice and some Lols too.
Edit 4: For some reason the post has been brought back to life when it had been dead for weeks
obviously I'm playing again I made two titans this time so I could be ready for HoW.
Had something similar happen to a buddy of mine. His son deleted a bunch of his raid weapons, exotic weapons, and other stuff. He was upset but, knew it was his fault for not password protecting it or making his son his own account. His son is 5 btw. I would password protect mine and create him his own account and let him him pick out the logo. This way its his and he will want to play on his instead of yours. My daughter doesn't play on my PS4 because I got her a wii u but, if she ever starts I will password protect mine that moment. It sucks but, what else can ya do?
Well shit, Bungie can't just build a timemachine and give you some pack of condoms
Condolences sir. I'm fortunate that my sons would never do this - they all play different games, and the only one who would make the mistake of deleting anything would be my oldest, but he plays the least...
My son plays on my psn so I created a password to log onto my psn.. I would be devastated and I would never look at destiny again if that happen. ): sorry to hear.. If you need help grinding thru it all I'll gladly help you anytime.. Even put you in my back thru raids.. Message me if u ever change ur mind idk what console you're on, but I'm on psn4..
Dude if you allowed your son access to your stuff , you deserve it. What is stopping him from grabbing your car keys and running over someone? He obviously has the where with all to delete all of that stuff. I would chalk it up as a lesson learned, and he would never be allowed to play with my stuff again.
For all we know he moved as much shit as he could to the vaults from one character then proceeded to delete it make the warlock and grab as much as he could and repeated with his other new one. Than with his last 32 put everything in the vault because we can't see in his inv and vault
What what what he is your son so just give him what he deserves a good a$$ whipping
Okay so if he's lying what's the point of doing this, is deleting his 3 characters really worth some little attention?
One, how old's your son. Secondly, how did he delete you characters [i]then[/i] the stuff in your vault?
Im sorry for your loss fellow guardian if you're on 360 i would be more than happy to help you get back to where you were, it will take a while but together we guardians can pull through
My son also deleted all three of my characters![spoiler]NAWT[/spoiler]
how didhe go to the vault after the characters were deleted?
Just quit now. Destiny isnt worth the time anymore until HoW drops. Been playing warframe, Free game yet has a 10x the content of Destiny and gets substantial updates that add requested changes and features. The more i play warframe the less i enjoy destiny.
I kinda doubt your son went through the trouble of going to your vault, deleting all your vault exotics/legendaries and then going to delete all your characters. Sorry dude but it sounds kinda bs
If that was my son... Let's just say I don't want to even want to think I would do to him.
is your son's name "Kermit" by chance?
Don't think I'd be that bothered starting again. It's nice going into crucible lvl 4 and seeing all the 31's & 2's below u lol My missus kept deleting my weapons instead of equipping them recently. You just have to laugh really.
Lies. Your son didn't take the time to equip and delete every exotic and then your characters... You just want attention. \_____/ Y(-_-Y) Loser.
He's lying trying to get popular in the forums so he can get "fate of all fools" I think this post is a load of bollocks tbh.
I would have "Adrian Peterson'd" his ass....
Sorry about this dude and I respect you but life goes on
I don't even know where to begin with this.
Is he still alive?
that's why i wouldn't let my kids use my PSN and especially wouldn't let them go on destiny until they were old enough and knew what was going on. bad luck!
How old is you son? Does he hate you? If he deleted everything, he def hates Find this extremely hard to believe