* Walks up to the Bar *
Could I have cold beer please
Has anyone seen the cat today or is it off playing cards with Quiggles
Edited by MeGa Mysterious: 3/20/2015 8:13:03 PMIt's all good. I played go fish with him today, but it was actually underwater
Thats cool, you need to watch it though if it suggests playing for money or going to a casino say no [spoiler]You didnt play for money did you[/spoiler] [spoiler]It cant be trusted[/spoiler] By the way did you ask Julie to put those ribs in the fridge if you did great as I was going to feed some to Tiddles and give the rest to the homeless
Edited by MeGa Mysterious: 3/20/2015 8:33:22 PMNo we didn't play for money. We played for corn flakes! And yes I told her to put them in the fridge, and I gave her tiddles favorite cat you. It's an angry Irish mans thumb with a sant hat on a string.
I wont ask which Irishman and I can guess why he was angry if he is missing a thumb If you see Julie before I do can you ask her to feed Tiddles a few of the Ribs and give the rest to the great unwashed please.
Yep! And if you see her before me, ask her
Will do thanks
Your welcome! Have a good day
Edited by UlcaM: 3/20/2015 7:45:58 PM*Hands cold beer* I don't know where that cat is
* Drinks beer * Thanks Do you wish for me to find a new home for the Cat. Although it seems to be a source of amusement for Quiggles
Its fine
As long as its not being a pest
I don't think so...
Thats ok then * drains glass * Could I bother you for another
Sure *Hands another*
No problem
[spoiler]*stands behind you and taps you 3 times*[/spoiler]
*Punches to the ground* [b]What[/b]
Edited by H3ADSH0T DUDE: 3/20/2015 8:15:34 PMNeed. ... kool...aid. Also you didnt have to punch me
You assaulted my wife multiple times and now you ask [b]me[/b] for a drink? [spoiler]Your drunk go home[/spoiler]
But im not! Pls it got resolved and i didnt know dat was your wife bro!
You're still an ass hole
Not anymore.