So here's the question, how much do [i]you[/i] still play destiny compared to when you first got it? I used to play it almost every day but ever since I've gotten almost every exotic (all armor and all but hawkmoon and 4th horseman), beaten CE on hard countless times, have 3 different 32 toons, and repetitive grindy strikes? I haven't touched the game in weeks.
For the trolls' "why are you on the forums then" statement, I like to check in every now and again to read the (pointless) weekly updates. And I plan on playing HoW (however long that lasts).
Leave a comment on why you play more or less and what games you might be playing instead!
Edit: Currently typical results following a normal deviation however it leans more towards not playing as much.
I can't play at all since I keep getting oysters. :D Voted anyway.
I've only been doing nightfalls, weeklies, and raids mostly. Just bored with bounties and the same strikes over and over. Been playing Dying Light, Advanced Warfare, Order 1886, and Evil Within. Still missing 5 exotic weapons and a few pieces of exotic armor. But already have all the ones I wanted.
I just do nightfall and raids, getting bored of doing the same Bounties over and over
Less, running out of things that can hold my interest still
I'm playing about the same as always, but raiding less now that I've got most of the gear and hit 32 on all characters. Now it's about leveling up that gear in preparation for iron banner.