If you don't think every raid has a leader or you think they're just randoms screaming at you to tell you what to do than you must play wit some sorry ass people. The fact that you just replied on this fun post to bash it is very sad.
Most of the people who try to lead just seem to be trying to hard or they just want to be "cool". What I mean by leader isn't a real leader by any stretch of the imagination. They take over with little to no experience and -blam!-ing run the raid into the ground. You know these are the people that clicked "leader" here. Also if you clicked lone wolf and do the raid. I'm sorry for your team. People going on their own is why we wipe so much.
You got a point on the leader thing in reference to half of them just spewing things. But teams should have leads and the lone wolfs are the preferred for things like swordbearer. They are better adapt to messy situations such as getting the -blam!- out of there if any glitchy shit happens. I'm sure your hate would've been better received if you would've directed it at the fact that people self Categorize themselves but are Fück ups at what they perceive themselves to be in game.
Pretty much this.