What if I told you that God in fact does exist. Give me a valid argument and I'll respond to it.
Give valid information that he [i]does[/i] exist :) I wanna see
And last of the short list of proofs among infinite others, right and wrong. Where does it come from? Why is it bad if I were to hurt someone? It is, once again, integrated into our thought process by God. But He gave us free will, and we will choose whether or not to be His disciples.
Humans decide right from wrong...
Why would it be wrong if I took something from you? That's what I think is right? We all have implanted in our heads by God what is acceptable and what is not.
You are taught from birth what right and wrong are, when you are 5 you barely know what stealing is, let alone if it is right or wrong. This stuff isn't planted in our head from birth, people around us dictate right and wrong.
But why do we consider that wrong? I just want what they have so I'll take it. Why is this wrong? Someone had to have an idea of what to do or not do.
Well it was decided by a community so that they would better cooperate and evolve both socially and physically.
Edited by Dark Zolkoft: 7/5/2015 11:15:52 PMThat's not exactly what I'm trying to say. True man has made many laws which work very efficiently, but why? Why can I not take something from you? Why should this not be allowed?
Here's another one. Why are we sad at funerals? Isn't just more faulty DNA out of the gene pool? It's because humans were not created for death. We were originally created to be in eternal fellowship with God.
Do you need any other reason besides the fact that you are living and breathing and THINKING? There is absolutely no better explanation than what the Bible teaches. Evidence is shown everywhere on earth as long as we seek it. Golden chariot wheels were found at the bottom of the Red Sea where God parted it for Moses and then collapsed it on the Egyptian army. Also, have you noticed that of all religions there are, Christianity is the most ridiculed? It says in the Bible specifically that people will attempt to contradict its truth.
Really? Christianity is the most ridiculed? Are you forgetting the holocaust?
Their beliefs may be different, but Jews believe in the same God. They are in fact God's chosen people.
I still don't see how this would prove gods existence, look at atheists. They used to be killed for not believing, that is certainly ridicule towards atheists, but that doesn't mean they can say God doesn't exist because they were ridiculed. I'm agnostic so I could go either way but I certainly don't believe that the Christian God is the true God! That is absurd and highly improbable. to make such an assumption, let alone base your life off of said assumption, is insane!
And actually, you're right. Though God may prove himself through His creation, we ultimately accept Him through faith, as do atheists and evolutionists and such in their beliefs.
There really isn't much of any faith required to believe in evolution, it is highly supported and has been proven on many accounts
It ultimately comes down to faith. No one was there to see the Big Bang happen or whatever origin story you believe. No account was recorded. People say that it is science but the scientific method requires observation and experimentation. Never before has something come out of nothing and that something become something alive.
Well first off, something didn't come from nothing, the matter and energy was there. And the Big Bang has more evidence than any religion has for their creation accounts. Also, scientists have been able to create life from non-living things, ie elements and chemical reactions.
Have you ever heard of irreducible complexity?
Yes, what of it?
We say water, earth, and everything is made up of a specific molecular compound or element, but do we really know what it is? We have no idea. It could only be this orderly with a creator. It would be impossible otherwise. Look, we could go back and forth forever. We're both just to solid in our beliefs and both know very much of our science. This is my last post. I won't post anything else after this because what I should be doing is showing you love instead trying to argue God into you. I just want you to know, that even you deny God's existence, He loves you, and will accept you should you chose to follow, which will lead to the understanding and answers which you seek. It would be like building a robot with free will and that robot rejects you. You still admire the work you put into your robot. My work here is done, and I leave you to your thoughts and a choice.
Well I know my science but you don't seem to understand much of what I am trying to say with it.
Edited by Dark Zolkoft: 7/6/2015 4:04:40 AMNo I understood it all. And by the way the Ocean gets more salt and junk through erosion and the fruit flies only adapt and do not evolve. Very small organisms never grow into large ones. And intermediates have not been found and could never survive. And I get that you want evidence. In a today's society people only believe what they see. True you cannot see God, but do you not see trees shake in the wind? And sorry I lied in the last post, I couldn't help it.
Do some research on evolution for yourself, find a few peer reviewed journals and see for yourself.
And see what?