*blocks the kick with the robot hand hten uses a rocket punch to knock you back and procceds shooting* double the fun *one handsa the chaingun then uses the left arm flamthrower*
Edited by tmc92502: 3/21/2015 3:45:51 AMFine... *Throws dagger into your chain gun, jamming it and throws a dagger into your leg*
*throw the weapon away as the second dagger is blocked by the prostetic* good one..... *takes out akimbo asault rifles and opens fire*
*a bullet chips part of his armor* Pathetic. *Throws a dagger at one of the guns, cutting it clean in two. Kicks you in one of your human parts, cuts the hand holding the other gun and punches you in the face*
that would hurt but i have paininhibtors. *comapnion ai* data collected. style analysed. proceed to offensive protocols. hell eyah that was a fast anaylsis. *uses the robot fist to graple you and throws you inot a wall with brutal strenght* now stopping the bleeding *patches up the cuttef off hand* well thank you ive lsot bot normal hands now *takes out a shotgun and opens fire*
*he doges out of the way but a little pellet hits him in the arm* I'm done with you.. *Tackles and cuts open some of the prosthetics, digs hand in and pulls out a bunch of wires*
HLY SHIT!!!!!! *knees your stomahc then bites the neck then kucks you away* HOLY -blam!-IGN SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! repair protocol NOW!!!!!!! *the arm start self fixing* screw you. *backpack mortar starts sustained fire* -blam!- YOU *a shoudler moutned gun starts shooting*
*the armor protects the neck bite* *Shoots an arrow at the machine gun, detaching it while the impact from a mortar close by blows him back, dusts off his armor and jumps up*
COME HERE *body burst in flmaes* I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! *th eleft arm turns into a chainsaw as i swing it at you*
*Spins to the left, and chops the chainsaw off in one clean cut*
*e is stoped* vibranum modder-blam!-er *strikes your stomach the proceeds to keep drilling*
*puts a little dent in the armor* *kicks you on the ground and curb stomps you*
*a burst of flames stops and lands you on fire* BURN MODERUCKER!!!!!!! *rocket punches you with 10,000N at 20mach* *rocket punch is overheated DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!! *upercuts into air then fires all mortar amumunittions at you*
*as he goes flying he pulls out his bow and shoots you in the fleshy part of your head* *he stands up, armor black from the mortars but still in great condition* Bastard... *Shoots an arrow at your heart, like a sniper from far away*
FUKC YOU *falls to one knee* -blam!- YOU ATALS ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!1 *a jet came and attchaes up* *mechanized voice* Persih. *2omm minigun with seeker rounds starts shooting you* -blam!- YOU *rocket smahae you thne implaes you with a 2mm longsowrd*
*Crawls to cover* *Starts using shadows to recover* Damn it.....
*impales throght cover and jabs inot air* DIE!!!!! *punches you back to the gorund* -blam!- YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! *rocket barrage*
No... *Gets done recovering and closes eyes, disappears* *appears behind you and cleanly slices you in half* *jumps back 30 feet * I can just bring you to the bed bay if you quit now.
*looks back ans omnislahses* vibranium. *jet turbine guns*
*jumps over it all and throws daggers at your jet guns, cutting them*
*the jet guns destroy the daggers* perish!!!!!!! *rockt barrages*
*fades into the shadows and appears behind you, Puts sword to your throat and slits your throat, blood pours everywhere*
*the blade si stoped by the bribranium necklacepalting* *kicks you and flys inot air* FOr a simple human you are very thgoht . *cleans the sky* Solar cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *A laser of focused SUnlgith strieks you alognside a barrage of corrosive rockets*
*Flies backwards and hits a wall, just leaning there eyes closed*
*while firing the laser SMashes the ground impales and fires at the ehad with a shoudler cannon*
[spoiler]wait I just realized how are you doing all this split in two....[/spoiler] *rolls out of the way* *grabs bow and shoots you in the gut five times^