Question is about achievements and such on the next gen consoles.
So if I have already unlocked all of the Xbox achievements for dark souls 2 on Xbox 360 will I not get any unlocks for Xbox one or have they made new achievements and have enabled unlocks for people like me?
It's not a great big deal but I was purely thinking about my Xbox background for some reason and would love a dark souls 2 background at some point. I love the art work of the game.
Thanks. If anyone answers this one at all. I will probably get a lot of hate in here due to this being a question about an up and coming port but w/e. It's the only port I am truly excited about.
Two different games essentially when it comes to this. So two different sets of cheevos,
Yeah. You'll still get new achievements man. I can't wait for this. Loved dark souls 2 on 360
I have diablo 3 for ps3 and ps4 and each one had its own set of trophies. So I would say yes you get to re unlock the achievements