*Teleports to entrance*
*Flies in*
On comn: "Bad, secure the area."
*Deep inside* "PHANTOM?!???????"
*far off echo* Vex? Vex bud is that you? I appear to be in... A sticky situation.
"Where are you? I'm coming for you"
Hehe. Uh.... look above you bud.
"The hell?" *gets you down" "Ok let's get outta here"
Yeah thanks. Scouter 1 and 2! *Scouter come in* Have you mapped out the nest with a exit? [i]Affirmative[/i] Good. Vex lets go. *starts walking* Aargh! *looks at bionic arm* Crap, looks like that goo messed up my arm. I won't be able to scan or fight while it's like this.
"I got it, let's go, I'm in my 3rd form now."
If you say so... *walks back to base*