They look like Griffins...
...moving in for a closer look.
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 11:33:33 AMI've seen bigger beasts in Hell and it reeks of sulphur it might be highly explosive so don't touch it and avoid close contact
Your welcome to help then. But to be honest, these creatures look.... Artificial....
Exactly my point I'm going to jump over it without being noticed to see if I can notice something different about it *prepares to jump over mysterious creature* If you think I shouldn't you should tell me now
I think you should be careful. There's already a lot wrong with this place, no one wants a casualty on top of it all. *Gloves glow a golden yellow*
Alright then I'll jump it I'll move too fast for it to detect me This might be very entertaining now stand back *steps back a few steps and blasts forward all you can see is slim black streak flying through the air over the creature then back and stops were I started with a loud crack like thunder* That was thrilling and it's definitely artificial there are some mechanical components on it
Whatwhydidyou!?! *growls of a supernatural nature* ...I think they heard you...
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 11:51:56 AMA thunder storm was going to start anyways so we won't have to worry if I must I can enter their heads and change the memory of what just happened and that machine is basically a guard dog for the inhabitants not the creatures
You're making an awful lot of assumptions. That or you know more than you tell me.
I'm the king of Hell does that help
- No, not really.
Looks can be deceiving
*second Boulder destroyed, closer than the first* Flight then?
If you let Cerberus kill it I can harvest the energy and examine it
We weren't ordered to engage. Your call.
Alright but we didn't engage first
So then, fight or flight? *creatures roars turn to low growls* *They tunnel into the planet*
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 12:24:09 PMWell damn I still got some energy from it *hold out a stasis capsule containing the dark energy*
I'm teleporting my new prototype to you. It freezes all enemies for 30 minutes, allowing a quick getaway. *teleports prototype* I hop you like it!
Where are they going? *hole begins to seal up* Shite! *dives in*
What the hell are you thinking oh well *jumps into the hole after you before it closes*
- Those things are gone. We found it, Archarin...
Don't touch the damn thing it isn't stable I can feel the energy radiating off of it
No, I can't. *orange and black wings unfold and sprout from my back* *my voice becomes oddly course* *both eyes close; right remains shut, left opens with an Orange deagon eye* But we can
Seriously don't go near it this is clearly a plan to trap us I can smell them in the ground they're closing in on us we should leave now or we have to kill every last one of them here
[i]Then leave. We will take care of this.[/i] *touches the artifact; deafening screeching emanates from it; it opens up*