Seriously don't go near it this is clearly a plan to trap us I can smell them in the ground they're closing in on us we should leave now or we have to kill every last one of them here
[i]Then leave. We will take care of this.[/i] *touches the artifact; deafening screeching emanates from it; it opens up*
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 12:57:35 PMI didn't want to do this *reaches into your mind and makes you collapse from fear by driving you to temporary madness* If this doesn't work I don't know what will anyways I thought I destroyed this damn thing someone must have replicated it *prepares to drive sword through the artifact*
*Wyvern wings awar you back as you jump for my head; I remain unfazed* The cell may have been replicated, but its contents are original. *Grabs a black sprite* [i]well put, Felix.[/i]
Oh well I'll just take the physical route *slices into the artifact with a downward strike cracking it along it's surface*
[i]The vessel is not needed. We have what we want.[/i] Correction, you have what you want. I'm just here because I need to be.
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 1:31:32 PMWhat exactly did you need from it *drives fist through the vessel and obliterates it* Now can we leave when you're done explaining things to me
No, we leave now. Go on ahead, I'm gonna tidy up here. [spoiler]skiing for the day, be back later.[/spoiler]
Alright then but you have explaining to do later *opens portal to the surface and leaves* The surface is much darker