I will wait here until someone requests my help
*walks over to a tree and sits down and plays with pet crow named Oni*
Edited by TheDesertRanger: 3/21/2015 7:39:48 PMChrist on a bicycle, are you a furrie or something else weird?
I'm a furry yes so bite me if you don't like them
Oni? [spoiler]Has anyone else played it?[/spoiler]
I didn't mean that Oni in Japanese means demon
So your Japanese? #TheMoreYouKnow
No I just picked a Japanese name
Oh. #IDidNotLearnANewthing
Yup but I'm part German
Cool. I knew you were evil.
What do you mean by that?
Germans were evil. Your part German. So, your evil. Do the math.
A pet crow? See, I told you. No love for bunnies. :(
I can give you a bunny if you want
No thanks. I already have 67,925 of them. Well.. One more couldn't hurt. :)
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 5:14:06 PMOk then but I need to draw some blood from you don't move *sinks teeth into your hand and sucks out blood* Now hold on this will take a few minutes *spits out blood onto the ground and it bursts into flames with a loud shriek and a bunny is left behind* Here you go
STOP! You said NOTHING about taking MY blood! And your teeth aren't clean! *Kicks you in the head multiple times* GET OFF!
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 5:20:39 PMIt's already done your wounds will heal very quickly my bites don't last very long and the bunny has a spiritual bond to you and I couldn't create it from nothing I needed something of yours besides your soul
I hate you now.. My blood has a sentimental value. And also, spiritual bond? Does that mean I have to give it more hugs then the rest of the bunnies? Then the others will get jealous!
No it means you can talk to him and he can talk to you except maybe I should take him from you because you don't appreciate my kindness
I can already talk to my bunnies... Don't ask how. But no need to take him away. Oh, and yes. I do not appreciate your kindness. You finally got something right.
Next time you disappoint me you're going to lose something precious unless you change your ways about me
How can you make me lose something? All my stuff is heavily protected.
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/21/2015 5:35:58 PMI can control many things like your new bunny I can make him pop like a ballon or burst into flames actually I can make every last one of them die if I wanted to
Kill a bunny? You have that power? DON'T EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THAT! Besides. You can't kill MY bunnies. They're too powerful. ^.^