Please share. I am truly grieving.
I was trying to sound like a grunt so I raised my voice. I'm actually going to be 17 in May.
I wanted to watch a tv show and he was being a little bitch and for the 1,000th time wouldn't get off the Xbox.
Edit: To all who think that this is cruel.
>Be me
>Average Teenager
>Try to watch TV
>Be him
>Whiny little runt
>Picks his nose and touches me daily
>Doesn't wipe, flush, or wash his hands
>Screams at me constantly
>Have been told to stop over 15 times
>Doesn't stop
>Annoys the shit out of me
>Gets more amusement out of it then I do
>Never ever agrees or listens
>Has meltdowns every hour
>Is 50x less polite than I am
>Cries whenever he doesn't get his way
>Gets his way due to parents not being able to tolerate constant bitching
>Rubs his arse in my face every time
>Thinks he Is the best COD player in the universe
>Always blames his deaths on cheats or glitches
>Avg xbox squeaker scum.
[spoiler]You all fell for it, Kek! This was staged, him and I planned it to make a meme out of it. If we were actually fighting then my dad would've take electronics for like 3 months.[/spoiler]
This what big brothers do now a days? Getting beat up is how we solved our differences back in the day.