[url=http://images.saiyanisland.com/data/618/Dragon-Ball-Xenoverse-1221-02.jpg]*Suddenly stands up.*[/url]
Suddenly two of the beasts attack. [url]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/171/6/3/swamp_beast_by_cloudminedesign-d3jgxvc.jpg[/url]
Now that I'm in here I can cause some damage *uses concentrated energy to incinerate the attacking beasts to ashes*
*More come from below and jump on you*
Come on give me a challenge *creates pulses of hell fire to repel the beasts*
"Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahha" *Appears in front of you and throws you into the forest.*
Don't you know wolves love the forest *disappears in the trees*