*cocks shotgun *
I wanna kill robber now, cause he destroyed the bar basically
I added my story in, should help
I just thought of this if robber was to get banned he wouldn't be able to make Alts because they are removing Google accounts
Thats right
I'd help but Robber would go God Mode[spoiler]how did he destroy it[/spoiler]
He made up some BS and it went down hill from there
Leave 'me be. Don't aggravate his ass... If he's gonna be like this, so he it. The Bar has ways of dealing with people, we'll intervene if we have to.
Hes god modding in there some how.
I saw. Still, the Bar has its ways. Don't go shooting or starting anything in there, or I'll have to bust you out.
Please be careful not to kill to many people *licks your face*