are you alright *helps you up*
"Hey Kurai!! Gosh I can't get a moments rest here! But I have made some headway on the information gathered so far." Looks around at the now slightly disheveled lab. "Any chance you know what is going on? The earthquake and all? I swear I don't fall over myself this often?" I laugh a bit.
This bastard decided he'd try to piss off the mother but he doesn't know so let's not tell him
[spoiler]Oh, she's dead.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Welp, there's still the Necromorphs![/spoiler]
"That... uh yeah. So who is this maniac exactly?"
[i]Green, potent-smelling clouds of gas scatter the area for miles.[/i] [spoiler]You're about to meet an old friend of mine! Think Necromorphs meets Ebola, with the spreadability of the common cold! Also, didn't Gribby say disturbances like this would "Invoke the wrath of the Mother?" Well, we're in deep space, so guess who the only people there are to pin the blame on! That's right! [b][i][u]You.[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
I love the way this poison fills my lungs *deeply inhales and slowly exhales*
[spoiler]With the spreadability of the [b][i][u]COMMON COLD![/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] [i]A deep tingling fills your chest...[/i]
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/22/2015 4:24:53 AMI can't get sick I was never alive and I'm a demon *coughs blood out of lungs*
[spoiler][b][i][u]NECRO[/u][/i][/b]morphs![/spoiler] [spoiler]Literal translation is "dead transformers!"[/spoiler] [i]You feel the potent urge to kill...[/i]
I'm a demon I always want to kill
[spoiler]Okay, rephrasing...[/spoiler] You feel... Hungry. One of your coworkers sounds like an excellent snack right now... [spoiler]Translation: kill![/spoiler]
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/22/2015 4:33:46 AMHe's not exactly what I like to taste I like demons better
[spoiler]Kill a -blam!-ing human. Spores change tastes, end of story.[/spoiler]