Hey! I am doing research on engrams from ROC Strikes. My goal is to complete 500 ROC Strikes and record how many and what kind of engrams I get from them.
So far I have completed 23 ROC Strikes and got 1 exotic (4th Horseman), 4 legendary engrams, and 76 Rare engrams!
Come check me out at [url]http://www.twitch.tv/sevenalpha[/url]. If you are on the PS4, feel free to add me and tell me in chat that you would like to run some strikes with me!
I will be posting the results here once I complete 500 ROC Strikes!
Hope to see you soon!
If you want to join in, my PSN is Mr_7eh.
[b]*Edit 1*[/b] A lot of positive feedback guys! Several of you have stopped in my stream to say hi, thanks for the support! Once I complete 100 strikes, I will post what I have so far. I'll update the title when I go live, so feel free to stop in and say hi!
[b]*Edit 2*[/b]
[i][u][b]Result's (100 strikes):[/b][/u][/i]
[spoiler][b]Shaders:[/b] 13
[b]Motes of Light (End game rewards and from rare engrams):[/b] 37
[b]Strange Coins (End game rewards and from rare engrams):[/b] 21
[b]Rare Engrams (Drops):[/b] 66
[b]Rare Engrams (End game rewards):[/b] 228
[b]Rare Engrams (Cryptarch package):[/b] 27
[b]Legendary Engrams (Drops):[/b] 0
[b]Legendary Engrams (From a rare engram):[/b] 3
[b]Legendary Engrams (End game rewards):[/b] 6
[b]Legendary Engrams (Cryptarch package):[/b] 5
[b]Legendary Ships:[/b] 4
[b]Exotics (From a legendary engram):[/b] 0
[b]Exotics (End game rewards):[/b] 1 (The 4th Horseman)[/spoiler]
[i][u][b]Strike Playlist (100 Strikes):[/b][/u][/i]
[spoiler][b]The Devil's Lair:[/b] 9
[b]The Will of Crota:[/b] 12
[b]The Summoning Pits:[/b] 10
[b]The Nexus:[/b] 16
[b]Winter's Run:[/b] 13
[b]Cerberus Vae III:[/b] 16
[b]Dust Palace:[/b] 11
[b]The Undying Mind:[/b] 13[/spoiler]
[b]*Edit 3*[/b]
Been having computer problems. That's the reason I haven't updated this lately with more stats! The stats are on the PC and are not lost. Once I fix my computer this week, I will continue the 500 Strikes! :)
Someone has done this already