"[i]Oh, Hello my old friend...[/i]" [b]He chuckles[/b]
How goes things?
"[i]Annoying. Damn Barbarians, and Demon hunters...Even a few Fuçking Wizards tried to kill me. Feel bad for the fuçks...[/i]" [b] Laughs a bit meniacly, And Flaps his wings once[/b]
You know you can call me whenever you need help, right?
"[i]I'll be sure to...Ever seen the moon form into a Syckle? Means my Hunting season starts[/i]"
Crescent moon? Yea, it happens every month.
"[i]Exactly. Death counts Rise when it occurs...[/i]"
That may or may not be from me slaughtering people... I get bored.
"[i]Actually, it's the souls of the lost gathering upon the reaches of Pandamonium. I just harvest them..Hence...Harvest moon[/i]"