What a sad day.... Ppl can't overcome something so they cry report or nerf....
I don't play pvp much except when I'm bored, but if I came up against this type of thing I'd have to give credit for the opposing team for doing it. It's an ability, it's in the game. Just because other people are playing smarter than you are.....u want to cry about it.
A cheat would be finding a way to glitch out of the map and be able to shoot in but ppl can't shoot out...NOT USING A PART OF THE INTENDED GAME TO YOUR ADVANTAGE
This is not a cheat, but an exploit. Bungie obviously didn't intend for it to work this way
So u speak for bungie? If they minded at all, it'll have been patched long ago like all the other fun bits
Or Bungie kinda incompetent. I don't think they intended to be able to hide inside an impenetrable bubble with a constant one shot kill weapon in PVP..
So good teamwork isn't what bungie intended?