I want Blink so badly for the Titan nevermind this thrust ability... Some interesting ideas though :)
Thrust is too close to what momentum should have been, and your right, Titan is missing a blink ability. It doesn't make sense for a Titan to posses Blink capabilities but maybe I could change Thrust to closer resemble a Blink just without its teleportation. Maybe a sudden burst in front of you. I'll rename it too.
Why can't the Titan posses Blink? The Warlock's glide is pretty much the same as the Titan's Lift. The Titan should get blink the same as the other characters.
Yes but titan design would have to change greatly for the new subclass and both existing subclasses would benefit so much from blink.
Edited by Retribution: 3/24/2015 9:35:24 AMI don't quite follow what your saying here. Striker and Defender wouldn't need to altered at all. You just take Catapult and replace it with Blink.
I'm saying you can't have a similar subclass