Alright, I wanna put a stop to the debate.
Xür, the Agent of The Nine is a vendor that comes to the tower from Friday to Sunday. As everyone knows, he is your one-stop-shop to buy exotic weapons and armor pieces. You purchase the gear with [b]strange coins[/b]. Now the argument against purchasing these items from Xür is, that you're not actually "earning" these items. How can this be true? If you do the weekly heroic on three characters and grind to do all of them on level 30 to bag yourself a mere 27 coins, that seems like your earning them to me. In turn you are also earning the gear you buy from Xür because you grinded for said coins.
People say that they "earned" the exotic gear by playing raids and Vangaurd Roc strikes. Okay let's put it like this, you "earned" the gear because you killed the deathsinger and [b]RNG[/b] randomly generated an exotic for you? You got [b]LUCKY[/b], there was no earning involved. The Random Number Generator system is completely based on luck! Not how much time you spent on the game, or how many raids you played, or even how much crucible you played! Luck is everything in this game. So Bungie, being the [b]AWESOME[/b] company they are, put in a way to actually EARN Your exotics. (Xür)
I rest my case, I would like to see some POV's on this topic, don't post nothing but hate on this thread. Let's get this trending
I appreciate your effort here, but the thing is that this debate is not really going at it from the right angle. Bungie has said that at some point they expect everybody to have all exotics. I have read that statement several times. People who complain that some weapons need to be rare or earned just did not have enough prior knowledge before going into this topic. You have no right to claim a weapon as rare or having to be earned. Xur is in the game from the beginning he is a gameplay mechanic that was released with the game you bought. Argueing or trying to justify him does not make any sense because a mechanic that exists in the game is nothing people need to justify themselves for using. The fact of the matter is, that all the elitists and earnist UNJUSTIFIABLY claim that you have to get the exotics the way that THEY prefer, even though they came AFTER Xur. Meaning this whole debate is complete BS.
Yea, all of you people ERNGed your gallys
doing a weeklie is very easy ,so even if you earn your coins it was a simple lvl 32 strike, when you get a exotic from the deathsinger(taking the same exemple from you) sure ,you got lucky but the activitie was more challenging than a simple weeklie with matchmaking (which make it more easier). xur should sell only half or less the exotic from this game. if I did mistakes sorry im not native english.
- [spoiler]"earned"[/spoiler]
I've always seen it this way. I go to work, I work hard, I get paid. I take said paycheck and go to best buy, and purchase a t.v. Now, did best buy give me the T.V.? I rest my case.
[quote]Alright, I wanna put a stop to the debate.[/quote] I lol'd
Any activity that people get exotics in commonly is harder than a weekly.
This thread doesn't smell so fresh.
Um, I [b]EARNED[/b] my 20$ by farming the streets for [i]days[/i] while people can work for a few hours and get that 20$? Please nerf Bungie!
If it's in the game then I'm using it
What else am i gonna do with 150 strange coins?!
I hate Xur. I really do. I hate him for selling Red Death. Not because I had it the week before he sold it. Because it was [b][i][u]right after[/u][/i][/b] the pulse rifle buff and Xur sells [b][i][u]the best pulse rifle[/u][/i][/b] to everyone for a mere 17 strange coins. Now the crucible is overrun with it. And the only way to beat it is with one of the exotic hand cannons. You [i]could[/i] be childish and call me a crybaby or you could refute my argument. Xur is a menace.
They need to remove Xûr. Plain and simple
It's justifiable because Xur is an element of the game that I enjoy and I don't care if that makes someone else feel less special. I don't care about anyone else but the group of friends I play with.
So here's an interesting question, To all the people that say buying from xur isn't earning. Would it be better if he sold a random piece to each person? Sort of like the engram(but with coins) , with the exception it would specific to class/weapon, so if you bought a helmet and your titan you get a titan helmet, just don't know which one. Same with weapons, buy an auto rifle, get an auto rifle, buy a machine a gun, get a machine gun, just don't know which one. My guess is those people, would not like that either, even though it would be some randomness. This is what makes their argument, pointless Have a nice day.
Jesus this again.
There is no such thing as "earning" in this game, however, the only exception is bounties because you are working specifically towards a certain weapon. I think the community needs to change the jargon from earning/xurning to Lucked it / bought it That's it.
Nice try man, I appreciate the effort but you can't change the mindset of some people.
If it werent for Xur, i would have NO exotic armour. I got one exotic from rng since november, and even that was just Hard Light.
I think ist better to earn your exotics. Kill a raid boss for the first time will guarantee a special exotic you only can obtain from that boss. I think exotic bounties are great, you have to strugggel to get the exotic. i think that the story behind the gun or armor is great if you have to do a quest to get it. think of a quest or a boss that is almost impossible to take down. Thats a rewarding exotic.. The roulette system is not good, it's not fun.. it's not rewarding! And only have the chanse to have one equipped at the time is stupid.. And i think it better to have a maximum capacity of wheigt you kan carry at the time.
I was upset about xur selling the ice breaker because i was a Christmas noob and my first exotic was an ice breaker (he sold it a week after my first vog run)
Thats how i think of it
If Destiny really wanted to make sure every player "earn" their exotic, they would make them available only through the Vanguard exotic missives, where you have to grind a ridiculous amount of strikes (25 for Bad Juju?), suck less in the Crucible (Invective), etc. This way, not only are you at the mercy of RNG just to get the chance at the exotic you want, but you also have to "earn it". But why make the game so frustrating? I can't tell you how many times those Vanguard missives gave me the same three exotic bounties over and over. I still haven't gotten all of the exotics through RNG, and I'm a day one beta player. I have God awful luck. Xur is an opportunity to flesh out my inventory with rewards from grinding Weeklies and earning so much XP that I have Motes of Light falling out of my ass. Besides, he rarely sells what I need or want. I'm still at the mercy of the Cryptarch with those exotic engrams. At the end of the day, people cheese the Raids for their exotic drops, then whine that Xur sells them two days later. Crota takes 20 minutes. Getting enough strange coins or motes of light takes a lot longer.
I don't see why others care if one used a vendor to get an exotic, nobody cares if you "RNGesused" it or "Xûrned" it, let's just be glad that you now have a new exotic gun/ armor and move on with playing the game.
U have fun praying to RNGesus for ur drops, im gonna go try an arc burn omnegul strike so i can earn a currency and purchase gears.