Long distance = Ranged, does it not?
And to be fair, it's more of a constant, small radius fist of havoc that's mobile and on the move. It wouldn't be a Titan Super without enforcing direct fist on face contact now would it?
I dunno. Ranged to me is projectile damage. As Voidwalker and gunslinger are. Your idea has the titan ending the super in the midst of the enemies. The Titan would still not have a super that can damage bosses without getting curb stomped.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 3/23/2015 12:42:23 AMNot if you pass through the boss. Which I left out due to lack of room in the thread. I assumed people would get it reading through the perks. You wouldn't be stopped dead in your tracks after collision with an enemy. The Titan does not stop until the super ends. I'll try to find space to clarify that. But yeah, not very good against bosses... Well neither is Novabomb or GoldenGun, so I don't see the problem. I have killed Sepkis Prime with a FoH before. If your bossing you'll probably be using a support class anyways.