The summer before my senior year of high school, I decided to take the option of doing a one month summer gym course rather than do a full semester of gym class (casually playing games for a month was better than a semester of bullshit). While I was there I met two girls, Megan and Cristalle, who I started hanging out with and eventually we became pretty good friends.
Every day, Megan would tell us about the restaurant that she worked at as a waitress. She told us about several people that she worked with, all about their personalities, where they came from, what was going in in their lives, etc., she told us about what it was like working there, she told us funny things that happened, and about the various asshole customers and the retarded shit they would pull that she had to put up with on a regular basis. She told us in very great detail just about everything about this restaurant and the people who worked there. But the thing she talked about the most was a girl named Rose who used to work at the restaurant.
Rose was a very quiet but very nice girl, she was smart and hardworking, and people generally liked her. She had some very difficult personal problems at home which would have sent most people into some serious depression, but she managed to keep on being nice and was most likely on her way to a good school due to her good grades. That didn't really work out very well on account of the fact that she went and got sick, then proceeded to die. Naturally, everyone she knew was devastated and the restaurant owners put up a beautiful picture of her on the wall because her coworkers and regular customers missed her so much.
A lot of this sounds pretty heavy, but it was interspersed in normal conversation between Megan, Cristalle, and I. Cristalle and I would always joke to Megan that we were going to go to her restaurant and be the worst customers she could possibly imagine. Megan would always respond by threatening to murder us if we did, and we would all have a good laugh about it. One weekend, though, Cristalle and I decided to actually show up at the restaurant just to freak Megan out.
This was a small restaurant in a neighboring rural town that neither of us had been to, so we ended getting lost trying to find it (I may have tried to take a shortcut). After a few hours we just gave up and got directions to the highway to go home. When Megan heard about this, she -blam!-ing lost it. I don't mean she just laughed a little bit like you would expect her to, I mean she completely lost her shit for the entire day laughing her ass off to an insane extent. We thought she was being a little weird, but didn't think too much of it.
The next weekend, Cristalle and I got some better directions and tried again, this time successfully reaching the restaurant. Unfortunately, Megan wasn't working at the time so our plan to freak her out failed yet again, but we decided we would grab a bite to eat anyway. The owner was the one waiting our table (again, small restaurant) and we asked her about Megan. The owner gave us a strange look and told us that no one named Megan had ever worked there. Confused, we started asking her about the other coworkers that Megan had told us about (in GREAT detail), and again, none of them had ever worked there. Finally, we noticed that we couldn't find any picture of a girl on any wall so we asked the owner about Rose.
Rose, and her entire story, was entirely fabricated. Rose never existed. None of the coworkers who we had heard so much about ever existed. All those detailed personalities, all those stories, EVERYTHING was made up. The only thing that Megan told us which wasn't a blatant lie was the fact that this restaurant existed. Every other word was an incredibly intricate and fleshed out lie. Megan didn't expect us to ever go to the restaurant, so this wasn't some prank, she just made it all up for...some reason.
We didn't talk to Megan very much after that.
People who are pathological liars often suffer from some sort of mental illness or personality disorder, such as borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. I've worked with both and it's more common than you think.