... You've been gone for quite a while then. Do you know of the peace treaties between the four Factions?
Damn, you have been gone for a while. Well, a week or so after I joined, there was a new rp thread called The Empire. A misunderstanding between our troops and one of theirs broke out into a battle in the Dojo... With civilians from the Bar caught in the crossfire. I convinced their forces to stand down, but it was mostly our forces that were trying to start shit. I convinced them to stand down as well, and that was the beginning of my negotiation career. We made a peace treaty with the Empire, and soon after, The Moon Colony rp was made. Made peace with them as well, and for a while it was the three of our factions, helping each other out and holding off against Lennies. Then... One day we found out about a new thread. The Lenny Sovereignty, inhabited by many Lennies, became the top priority on my list when one of their members came into the Dojo and asked why Lennies are enemies. I responded by saying I don't see them as enemies, but I see any who attack is as enemies. After that, I was promoted to talk to their leader, GribbyGrub. We talked, agreeing on a ceasefire and standby, until some of OUR forces decided to screw things up by disturbing the peace. A few events ensued, I prevented another war, and I had to convince our troops to stop pulling this shit. In the end, The Sovereignty ended up joining with the rp threads, because some of their guys actually rp with us and aren't just asshole spammers. Well, some anyway. Even now, the Sovereignty is allied with us. I'll let you take this all in, then I'll continue.
I see. I can tell why Ninja would trust you with negotiations. You obviously are a fine fit for it.
Eh... It gets to me sometimes. You can tell when I begin to use copious amounts of cuss words. Alright, a little before the Sovereignty, there was an incident. An incident with Ultimaterobber... From what I've heard, he was an older member of the dojo. Anyone tell you of the incident?
I remember him. He was a very well-trusted and valuable asset in the wars... What happened?
Lets just say at the time... There were incidents with God Modding. A few members were asked to kindly change themselves, and they did. But Robber? He basically ignored the requests to change... It all ended one night when Robber called himself a god (totally forget why) and Kaneki and a few others agreed and said to him stop God Modding. He freaked the f*ck out. Excuse my French, I'm Canadian. He kept on asking why was he being called for God Modding and that he didn't God Mod at all... Then he began spamming us with Lennies. I was willing to talk it out with him, but when he started spamming even Ninja said it was dishonourable. He was kicked from the group... The first kick in dojo history. From there, Robber kinda spiralled downwards. He joined the Sovereignty out of spite and probably wanted to spam us some more... But the joke was on him, because I just made peace with them. He continued to hate on us for a while, until very recently, he tried to rejoin under a different name (not alt account). Kaneki saw through this and called him out, and he admitted. Some of the members were still quite pissed at him, but I convinced most to forgive him if he could change. He basically said "F*ck you guys, your fgts" (the use of fgt was at an all time high from him around this time) and spammed us... Again. This was a few days ago.