The Crucible is overrun with Pulse Rifles, Handcannons, and Shotguns. The majority of AR's are trash, up to the point where they don't even contend with the top five weapons in Crucible. We should see Bungie buff the impact & stability of all AR base stats by 2 - 3%. Range can stay low where it's at. What are your thoughts?
Edit: the current issue is when I engage in an advantageous one-on-one gunfight, built for me to win and lose simply because my weapon is underwhelming. This lets us know that these weapons are terribly imbalanced. Granted I'm not the strongest of players but I understand tact & game flow.
I'm guessing you haven't used the recently sold Silimar's. It's no Thorn, but it is VERY efficient. Not just in terms of maintaining a decent TTK, but especially so in the flinch it seems to cause (I can't actively confirm as I've not been the victim of one.).
It was 2.5% Stop crying
-blam!- no
You should put this in the feedback section
They worked how they were supposed to, they were just overused. That in my opinion is a terrible reason to nerf something
Yeah, you don't really see auto rifles in crucible anymore.
The really need to buff the crap out of the hof low impacts so people actually use them for a change.
I voted yes and the poll didn't change. It must have a decent amount of votes. I never see good players using autos and I can see Bungie displaying a graph showing autos are on par with pulse and hand cannons. That is because newer players don't know any better and gravitate towards autos. Autos are dead in the competitive ranks
Rebuff that shit, Bungie. They went way overkill on the needs.
Funny because when ar's were good pulse rifles sucked and nobody cared haha. Shadow is still beast
Yeah pulse rifles are better now. Just make everything equal.
I always get upset about Crucible being unbalanced. Makes me glad this thread exists, so im not the only one that feels that way.
Bungie is horrible at balancing PVP. Probably the worst I've ever seen in a FPS
Lets deal with the real issues first. Thorn, TLW, Hawkmoon Shotgun revamp Slight Pulse Rifle nerf You have to think ahead
They should cause it's still unbalanced lol I don't get how balancing guns is by nerfing auto rifles and buff pulse rifles, when auto rifles now suck vs pulse rifles it was already worse , most auto rifles have low impact as it is already lol
Edited by Cayde-7: 3/26/2015 12:29:43 AMthey just need to make the old nerf a real 2.5% not 13% like most of the useful ones got... give the 10.5% damage back to those weapons! Problem solved
What they should do is bring it back to the value it was at pre patch and instead of 2.5% it should be a 1-1.5% debuff that would still make it more usable and be on par whith everything else
DeeJ always says, "We're listening." Hopefully he'll see this and realize that nerfing ARs was a stupid move and that 90% of the community thinks so.
Bump. Let's all keep in mind that the nerf was NOT 2.5%. Maybe it was somehere near that with terrible high rof,low impact guns but slower rof/higher impact guns were indeed nerfed 11to13%. People have done the math. There was data compiled with the real pre/post patch damage numbers for vanquisher,suros and others. Wish i would've saved a link to one of the threads. Did bungie just have a "whoops" moment and leave the "1" out? Maybe they meant a 12.5% reduction in damage lmfao I like my abyss defiant but wonder what it could really be if they finally separate pve and pvp guns. They will do this eventually and what i would imagine is having a pvp exclusive, standard load out to choose from before the match. All this bullshit could finally stop and we wouldn't have to worry about the 2 worlds(pvp and pve) coexisting, or rather, completely fuking each other up.
The leaked HoW weapons will bring AR's back to normal fire rates and will still offer a few high rate of fire low impact ones.
Yeah, the only thing they can be useful for is picking off hurt enemies, but trying to outshoot a high stability pulse rifle in an even 1v1 gun battle is extremely hard I'd have to say. I think the AR's are fine imo but the pulse rifle buff was crazy..9.7% or something?! Pulse rifles shouldn't be able to two burst kill. In Halo (yes I know this isn't Halo, but tell me Halo wasn't balanced and you're wrong) the BR was 4 bursts in the head to kill. It takes half that to kill in destiny, and doing it requires very little skill.. Imo pulse rifles should take more skill to use than AR's, not less.
They will in six months after scouts have their turn at the top
2.5% was too much
Went from a god with three suros' to a scrub with one in the vault. Bungie, you've forced me to scrub
They could've just buffed pulse rifles and left ARs alone. Still would've given you more options than suros. Now instead of suros it's red death. Back to square one.
Edited by Mighty Albatross: 3/25/2015 11:59:23 PMI recently went into crucible using a Galahad-E auto (low rof and higher impact than most autos) it was ok. Just ok. I was still being murdered way often than I should. High rof autos have been made into water guns.