The Crucible is overrun with Pulse Rifles, Handcannons, and Shotguns. The majority of AR's are trash, up to the point where they don't even contend with the top five weapons in Crucible. We should see Bungie buff the impact & stability of all AR base stats by 2 - 3%. Range can stay low where it's at. What are your thoughts?
Edit: the current issue is when I engage in an advantageous one-on-one gunfight, built for me to win and lose simply because my weapon is underwhelming. This lets us know that these weapons are terribly imbalanced. Granted I'm not the strongest of players but I understand tact & game flow.
Bump again
2.5% nerf my arse, more like 15%
I miss seeing SUROS & Vanquisher VIII!
10% of the forums smoke entirely too much crack
Alright yes buff auto rifles, but only the legendary ones slightly, I mean seriously, they were a little too OP, also the exotics deserve the buff, especially for the necrochasm
90% said yes bungie.
Bungie shouldn't be dictating which guns we use. The AR nerf rendered them obsolete. All they needed to do was buff pulse rifles to make them more useable.
Wow %90 to undo the nerf lol hope bungie know they've record them and made them unfeasible in pvp and pve
You are just bad, i have seen people still rocking ARs.. Mute me, report me baby ohh yeeaah
If you've been a player since the release, you would know that ARs received two major nerfs due to the insurmountable complaints.
I agree shooting players with assault rifles is like soaking a dry sponge in water. Put them back the way they were before update 1.1.1 just increase the shot drop off damage rate when shooting at long range (scout rifle distance) as for the Suros I say put it back the way it was before the nerf now that Red Death can be on par with it.
Actually I feel they are still worth it, the game is just demanding you think about specs a little harder is all
I wrecked shit last night with a levwk 13 blue ar with my hunter. It was amazing, im never that good at destiny pvp. That and i was using a green sniper bc thats all i had. Made a few people rage quit lol.
10% don't use AR's because in previous games similar to destiny (halo) they were the mark of an inexperienced crappy player. You should keep them how they are because it's not fair to have cross map AR's rendering scout and pulse rifles pointless when they are supposed to be distance weapons.
Edited by a clumsy scrub: 4/6/2015 10:24:20 PMI made a poll, heres the results. After the last auto rifle nerf, did you put all yours in the vault? 18% put their auto rifles in the vault (Me too) 63% carry auto rifles, but rarely use them 10% use auto rifles regularly still [b]8% chose the "F*** auto rifles" option[/b] So 8% dont use auto rifles at all, and 10% say dont buff auto rifles. Coincidence? Probably not. Dont drag down other people just because you dont benefit from an auto rifle buff.
I don't use them, but I want them buffed back so I see more variety in other peoples load outs Right now it's all hand cannons and shot guns and tubes
Agree. Sick of the nerfing. If you want to make a gun or type of gun better.... Here's an idea, buff it and leave the rest alone.
Last update made PvP unplayable for me.
10% dont use or dont like auto rifles, and just want to keep them nerfed for selfish reasons.
Only suros!