It's hard to toss around the word or abbreviation "OP" properly in a game filled with so many cheap ways to get killed but many think Felwinter's Lie is this super OP shottie/sniper that ruins PVP. I do die by it often but since I prefer to stick with teammates it's rare to see Felwinter's go on a killing spree due to its poor ROF. So I ask: Is Felwinter's lie flawed and overpowered or balanced by its slow ROF? Thoughts?
I think its is fine, shotguns are a situational weapon that rewards the ability to get close. Other shotguns with high rof are better than it in certain situations. (found verdict, invective, etc) To beat shot guns, players should zone shotgun users at mid range and not chase shotgun users around corners. Also be able to predict the slide so you can adjust aim down to the head when they slide.