I havent been on for a couple weeks. Haven't felt like getting back on destiny since everything felt like more of a tedious thing to do rather than doing it out of enjoyment. The raids and weekly nightfalls arent enough to keep me coming back anymore either. Maybe destiny got boring for me? Idk theres just not much to do no more until the upcoming content . (DLC) Anyone else felt tired of destiny?
Yeh I'm feeling it. Been playing solely to level my thunderlord and its just feeling like a chore now. I'm only really playing to fill in time till borderlands drops. I hate to say it but I'm starting to actually despise this game. I honestly can't see it changing much when HoW releases either. I don't raid and 3 new story missions I'll be able to blow through in 20 mins, and a strike or 2 isn't really going to do much to bring me back unfortunately. I've been chasing that carrot for too long and I'm pretty much done. Even if I was to receive ghorn tomorrow i think it would be too little, too late.