Great! You got pulse rifles back in the mix!
Too bad you did it by displacing scout rifles.
Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 3/23/2015 5:48:22 PMWorked hard to get a B-LINE TRAUMA before this Iron Banner and I love it. It's great. And then of course, my housemate as a random legendary drop got a B-LINE TRAUMA [i]with[/i] "FIREFLY" and "EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS". Which rocks out even harder in PVP. If you aren't familiar with how fast the B-LINE fires, there's a few seconds at the beginning of the clip I'll come back and add to this post. In the vid, we agreed I'd cover the back from anyone flanking my team (unfortunately they got slammed but like all situational moments in PVP I got lucky and wiped out 6 players before going down). But that scout rifle if you get yer hands on one with either "Firefly" or "Explosive" rounds you should max that bastard out and go to town. Love that thing for headshots. When they actually [i]register[/i] towards bountys that is, there's an issue in IB with headshots actually counting towards bountys and yes they always count for some people but without time stamps in PVP gameplay there's no way to show Bungie that some of the headshot kills from primary weapons (not the mytho) aren't registering towards IB bountys.