Anyone else thinking the game needed new sparrows? Well me and my brother would like to think we came through
The first sparrow I feel like satisfies everyone's desire to just run over some aliens...or spear. It's called "Gunnar's Atgeir"
And it's special perk, you guessed it, the ability to spear anyone that crosses your path. It would work similar to shoulder charge, after awhile of driving the sparrow would distinctively "hum", along with another indicator, and the right trigger would cause a short blitz and the unfortunate victim would be skewered on the spear tip. The name is a reference to a mythological Norse spear and it was known to "hum or sing in anticipation of bloodshed" maybe some red would pass through the jet stream if you were using the boost? We'll let you decide.
The second and last one is adding to the highly demanded Ahamkara lore and another desire at least me and my brother and cousin wanted. The ability to glide. This sparrow is going to be called
"Ahamkara's Volant." Using your boost from a high enough starting point would allow you to glide through the air like an Ahamkara looking for it's next victim to burn. Maybe some sleek looking Ahamkara style wings could be on the side? Open for great ideas for how it would look for either sparrow. Maybe you could even throw grenades from it? There is so much you could play around with when it comes to this sparrow. Maybe if the Ahamkara raid comes out it could give you a great advantage getting across a difficult part of the journey, that's up to you bungie!
Anyways if you want to see these in the game too, bump the hell out of this maybe bungie might read one of these for once, and if you're an artist who digs these concepts, hit us with some concept art!
Edit: Thanks for all of the support you guys!
Bonus: I also been thinking of this but didn't think it needed a whole new post. A shader called "nebula" that would make your armor look like space, I would kill for that.
i wish i at least had a rare sparrow im lvl 30 with uncommon sparrow com on bungie