Here is mine... see the link. OR...
The Infinity Guantlet (yes, I shamelessly stole the name from marvel)
It's an Exotic Guantlet that instantly kills any enemy with a melee attack. Highest melee attack speed with no Cooldown.
Gives you infinite grenades and any kill instantly recharges your super. Each kill with your super active immediately refills your super bar.
Killing Atheon or Crota with the melee attack instantly guarantees you The Vex Mythoclast or Crux of Crota and the Gjallarhorn.
All purchases from Xur with this equipped will cost you Zero coins.
While carrying the Sword, you can perform Links charged spin attack from Ocarina of Time.
You drop an orb of light for every bullet you fire.
Ice Breakers magazine instantly recharges when empty.
You gain the ability to flip off Master Rahool when you open a legendary Engram package that contains only rare items.
Has a built in shader to make you look like Stan Lee.
OP Gauntlets are OP
That's the point... :)
This is golden
Stop trolling
Get a sense of humor!
I know its funny just when u see something like that its just depressing how easy the game would be
This was my attempt at giving all the grind whiners everything they wanted fixed in a single loot drop. I was just being a smart ass and trying to make people laugh and you'd only get it if you had played this game. Right?
Check out mine its a little way down i think its a cool idea =)
Legitimately though.. Here is my idea... The Autococker (It's a paintball gun name) - A Scout Rifle Perk Walk the Trigger: Wiggling the fire trigger fires at high ROF. Wipe This: Tags enemies with a green light and causes small DoT that stacks with each hit. Fast ROF, Large Magazine, moderate damage, moderate stability, longest range and sub-average reload.
Did u check out my idea
Yep! The ethereal flame right? I commented on it.
What console u play on
Xbox One
Me too
Add me if you'd like, my Gamertag is same as User ID.
Im doing crota hard right now
I'd love to join you but I am actually out of town on a business trip. Don't have my console with me.
Same here il add u
Have u ever wanted to disintegrate ur enemies in an explosion of golden light now u can no one needs jellyhorn just dismantle everything, i see that vex mythoclast behind ur back ya u.