originally posted in:Awkward Guardians
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Hello guardians since a healthy mix of both Redditors and bungie.net users I'm sure some of you have already seen a post about this topic today on Reddit, I just wanted to share it here in case people hadn't seen it.
[u][b]Summary[/b] [/u]
To keep it short and sweet this is simply a side project made by user Diknak on Reddit. The point behind Destiny Clan Wars is simply to add a more competitive side to Destiny outside of the actual game. The site which you can view [url=http://www.destinyclanwars.com/]here[/url] allows for tracking of a clan and its points earned towards specific goals listed on the site.
In the points paragraph from the post itself:
[quote]Events will vary, but the objective will be to complete a specific task (ie: play control matches). The points you see at the end of the match is the base points earned. However, you will earn bonus points for playing with your clan members and there are modifiers that may result in additional bonus or negative points. Most events will never allow you to go below zero, but there will be rare "hardcore" events where poor performance will be a detriment.[/quote]
Even though the site itself is nothing more than a place for clans to show other clans were better or just simply active it also allows you to see all current members in the clans listed, and it allows you to see when members were last active in general and not just in the posted event.
This shouldn't be aimed as a way to fish out casual players but if someone hasn't played for a large amount of time (I'm talking months here) it should be easier for the heads to keep track.
Only one person from each clan has to register for it to start keeping track of the whole clan,I was just gonna go ahead and register later today since it just seems to be a way to add fun to the game. But let me know what you guys think before I do anything.
[url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3008sd/compete_for_the_glory_of_your_clan_destiny_clan/]Reddit post[/url]
[url=http://www.destinyclanwars.com]Destiny Clan Wars site[/url]
OVERALL CLAN RANK: 4th Battalion League Total Points:1,057,552
[b] [u]Playstation MVP's[/u][/b]
[b]Name[/b] Score [b]Matches[/b]
ogoextreme 70,909 [b]43[/b]
Joshman247 64,500 [b]16[/b]
jemaily 60,840 [b]20[/b]
[b] [u]Xbox MVP's[/u][/b]
[b]Name[/b] Score [b]Matches[/b]
Abstractz ix 43,735 [b]12[/b]
GodGuard I 41,319 [b]20[/b]
Ischyz 37,747 [b]21[/b]
MVP: PSN:[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/4155671]ogoextreme[/url] XBOX:[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/2276211]Abstractz ix[/url]
Keep up the good work guardians! The next event will be taking place on the 26th Friday 6 AM EST! Hope even more guardians participate next time!
Edit: Sorry about the formatting I can't seem to properly separate stuff, Probably just remove matches next time
Cool! I saw this on the reddit and was going to bring it here, but you beat me to it!