Gamertag- Thrillhouse2484. Xbox One.
Hunter lvl 32, Titan lvl 32, Warlock lvl 32. Looking to raid more often. I have two friends who have multiple 32's that I currently raid with as often as possible. The other half of our raid team stopped playing until HoW. We're relaxed raiders, two of us are 30 years old and the other is 27. United States, central standard time. Dying for a few new raid buddies.
Newer to raids but eager to learn. Laid back fun to play with 33 warlock, 31 titan 31 hunter gt chirish1025. :)
You can add me, the name is same as above. All characters are at 31 at the moment. I also have experience with the raids. Though I havent been doing them because I rarely find teammates that won't get pissed at eachother.
Edited by RavBrown: 4/9/2015 5:27:57 PMIgnore..silly app replied to the wrong post lol
Hey man I'm always down for raids/nightfalls. Got a 32 lock 30 hunter and started a titan not to long ago. I'm xbox one also Gt Blockhead Beats
Add me. Gt same as above.
[quote]Gamertag- Thrillhouse2484. Xbox One. Hunter lvl 32, Titan lvl 32, Warlock lvl 32. Looking to raid more often. I have two friends who have multiple 32's that I currently raid with as often as possible. The other half of our raid team stopped playing until HoW. We're relaxed raiders, two of us are 30 years old and the other is 27. United States, central standard time. Dying for a few new raid buddies.[/quote] Hi I'm a girl,I only play destiny.I just need help both raid and gt is Bisdakgurl.