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Edited by Destiny89: 3/24/2015 1:40:01 PM

I just noticed Destiny is 76 on metacritic....

How did Bungie go down from being a top tier game developer to this.... even the user rating is 6/10... [url][/url] How much would YOU rate Destiny?? To me this game is a 6/10 mainly due to how addictive it is to play with others in strikes and raids... everything else needs MAJOR improvements and where is that story at? but i did get my money's worth after 500ish hours

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  • 9/10

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  • I'm on the 360 Solid gameplay graphics and ideas Poor everything else There's your 6/10

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  • I would tend to agree. 6-7 out of 10 due to a severe lack of content.

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  • 7/10 at best for me. When I'm not battling one of my room mates for bandwidth (my cell and PS4 vs her two laptops, netflix on xbox, smart tv, and cell all at once) I'm getting plagued by baboon or one of the many other error codes. The game is great... When it wants to be. Unfortunatly, It's time for me to move on for the time being. Probably when HoW or Comet drops, I may pick it back up, but until then, Destiny will be off to the side as I pick up a game that further confirms my masochistic side. Bloodborne.

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    So that's 7.6/10. I would say that's a bit low. 8.5/10 would likely be my opinion. Best coop and gunplay available. By far.

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  • The big questions here are: are bungie listening and are they prepared to change for the good of Destiny? I'd agree with the 6 out of 10 score, the game looks beautiful and I play it a lot, but I can see how it can become tiresome for the ppl who are able to play more than I.

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  • Who cares

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  • There is room for improvement, but I never listen to the "review sites" , Total garbage !! They are bought ! Bungie didn't pay them so the reviews suck. What qualifies these "clowns" to review anything?! They are writers NOT gamers ! Remember : "Don't believe everything you read" ! Also, this is why we still NEED a demo of every game ! Try it ! , Like it?! Buy it ! Or Don't like it , Delete it save $60 ! (this is what scares them most!)

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  • 7/10

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  • 6/10 seems right to me.

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  • 6/10 seems right to me. The visuals are incredible, but once I'm done doing nightfalls...there isn't much else I wanna do and I could easily move on to other games. It's fun, but it doesn't keep you here once you've done what's offered. PvP isn't my favorite either. I'd choose Halo any day hands down.

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  • 6.5/10

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  • It's awesome in many aspects and disapointing in as many aspects. Gunplay, graphics, design and soundtrack are top notch. On the other hand the story is aweful, the content limited and the game lacking many features such as more game modes for pvp, rankings, custom games, skilled matchmaking, hard mode patrols, npc that give you quests... I'd say it's a solid release for a new IP, but just barely enough. The game is still addicting enough for the players to stick through it, and if it continues we can only imagine what the franchise will become in the long run. I've got high hope!

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  • It's the best 6.5/10 game I've ever played. I don't mean that in a sarcastic ways either.

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  • Edited by DeluxeGemini: 3/24/2015 2:31:35 PM
    4/10. The game is incredibly limited. Lack of content, insanely bad RNG loot system, leveling tied to armor, and Crotas End is a horrible raid. I won't judge this game by hours because it's a poor measurement. All you do is grind the same 5 minute content for hours on end receiving nothing but horrible loot. The entire game is literally a slot machine. Crotas End is so bad it makes strikes look like raids. The packs of major knights are by far the worst. They barely do anything but dance in hallways and make things take longer. The abyss isn't fun at all. Being constantly overrun with high level thrall is just annoying. Ps. This game is not a MMO for the 1 millionth time. Please go play one them come back and play Destiny.

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    16 Replies
    • The 1st time you play it's an ez 8/10 (minus points for all the story mode being the same, go here shoot shit along the way protect dinklebot for 3 waves while he opens a door fight boss while dinklebot hacks something. And I'm taking points for how glitchy the raids and especially the boss fights are. However upon replay value it drops down to like a 4.5. For the following reasons -bungies lack of communication and all these buddy buddy "updates" -cut content -broken rng -horrible pvp -bad weapon balencing -trying to balence guns in pvp and pve just a bad idea -all the grinding to upgrade guns and armour -tdb -nechrocasm (who tested this and said yea that's good) - 1.1.1 -omnigul every other -blam!-ing week -"rich cinematic story" -"large open maps worth exploring" There has to be more these are just what I thought up while I waited for my order, now I'm off to my cowboy breakfast!!

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      4 Replies
      • 6.5/10 where's shrek?" - ign

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      • Edited by King Hutch IV: 3/24/2015 2:53:02 PM
        Judging by the masses, seems like an adequate number. I give it an 8.6/10 [spoiler]also don't trust reviews on the internet. Ever. For anything.[/spoiler]

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      • 10/10

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      • I'm more annoyed that a 75/100 is somehow a bad score these days. That's why YouTubers beat traditional reviewers any day of the week.

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        1 Reply
        • 9/10

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        • 8/10, love playing this game. As for the lack of story, well it isn't a 1 player game like Mass Effect. It's an MMO shooter, most MMO's don't have a story...

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          6 Replies
          • I like the soundtrack 10/10 haha

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          • Critic... Someone that tells you how you should view something. Critics are crap. I go by experience, then I can base decisions if I like it instead of what someone tells me I should like.

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          • I'd give it a solid 7/10. The gameplay elements are all solid; the gunplay, enemy variation, class mechanics, etc. The lackluster story, poor boss design, and limited number of missions keep it from being higher.

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          • I'd say 7 or 8/10, I enjoy it still, most of the time anyway.

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