[url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/5/59/PerfectBarrier(TheLegend).png/revision/latest?cb=20120124173244]*puts up energy field and they deflect off*[/url]
*uses rapid fire*
*dodges fire and swing s the chainsaw then uses a smart rocket barrage*
*uses telekinesis to throw the rockets on you*
(dude seriusly you are startign to cross the OP line) *the rpockets self detonate when you try redirect* dodge this *I charge at 20mach and stirke with 3000N of strenght*
[spoiler]You're canceling out everything I do with deus ex machina[/spoiler] *Ki guards*
[spoiler]so are you[/spoiler] what? *strikes reletnlessly*
[spoiler]Hardly[/spoiler] *continues blocking*
*continues striking while shooting rocket to flnak you*
*staggers but manages to sweep kick you* *as we fall I grab your neck with my tail, has a Ki shield around it ready for the electricity*
*who said anyhting about electricty now* spreads a toxic gas around*
*flies into the air with my tail around your neck, then let's go and slams you into the mountain*
(just liek Ultimate robber) *i slice your tail the strik your back relentlessly*
[spoiler]See? You act like nothing happened[/spoiler] *retreats tail, kicks your neck, appears behind you and kicks it from the other side also* *Grabs you and throws you in the air and sends blasts after you*
[spoilerand you simply redirect everyhting i throw][/spoiler]*stabilises with the jet Pack* FUll body armor no gona be so simple HAILFIRE CANNONS! *2 lasers open fire at you*
*bats most away, but some get through* *appears in front of you and smashes you towards the ground*
*stops the fall after soem seconds* eat this ATMIZER IONIC CANNON! *a single ronded cannon fires a missile at you*
*hits it right as it is ejected the explosion hitting both of us*
*the rocket deosnt explode* didnt think i woudle xpect you? uses the turbine cannon s to knock you back the deotnates the Rocket which turns into a temporal laack hole* ah -blam!- *uses th ejts to avoid getting magentized*
*uses instant transmission to escape the vortex* "Well shit" *Sends 2 death saucers after you*
*uses max boost to grb you* SHut up and fly away before it closes it expldoes lieka hydrogen bomb*
*kicks you off of me and flies miles away*
*the vortex closes as i cathc the leaving device* aww hell ddnt think that one thgoht *Boom* well now ill take caare of you *joints the lasers* I hope you liek thsi laser strike. as powerful as Father son kamehameha gohan super sayain. for real thsi will run the laser battery *charges the shot*
*charges my blast*
not this time (send a laser barrage while still chargign the other laser)
*The smoke clears and I am gone, you turn you're head and I launch my blast, your eyes widen, the entire planet is under an eerie blue glow.*
*i fire the laser whcich ahs already killed you once)*