*uses max boost to grb you* SHut up and fly away before it closes it expldoes lieka hydrogen bomb*
*kicks you off of me and flies miles away*
*the vortex closes as i cathc the leaving device* aww hell ddnt think that one thgoht *Boom* well now ill take caare of you *joints the lasers* I hope you liek thsi laser strike. as powerful as Father son kamehameha gohan super sayain. for real thsi will run the laser battery *charges the shot*
*charges my blast*
not this time (send a laser barrage while still chargign the other laser)
*The smoke clears and I am gone, you turn you're head and I launch my blast, your eyes widen, the entire planet is under an eerie blue glow.*
*i fire the laser whcich ahs already killed you once)*
I hit you already
cause you are OP. sorry i dotn wan rp right now i am way to bored il disconect for the day