this sounded cool at first until I thought of the possibilities. if you don't have to wait for the grenade to go away then that means you can infinity spam lightning grenades in one spot making anyone who sees it too scared to go there. if you have to wait for the full life of the grenade then you still can effectively hold choke points. The other thing that I see that is a bit op is that you can spam stickies until you hit someone. it makes a free kill much easier to obtain. cool exotic but a bit op.
I didn't think about that, and you're right. I also thought it was a good idea, but people would be able to use it in extraordinary ways to make them stronger than normal.
I see your point, it was actually my friend who came up with this and I agree it is a bit op. I think it would work better if the grenade had to blow up before another would regenerate, and after 3 misses, you would have to regenerate it as normal.
that would definitely work.