So yes, I turned 7 today.
Instead of an AMA ( ¬_¬), I have a secret gift to one of you people.
Okay, I might as well just say it - the gift is an X1 Doom (4) Beta code. the reason why I want your GT is because I want to give the code to someone who will genuinely will be interested. a large of id games in your library will tell me just that.
[b]If you want the gift, say yes and [u]provide me with your XBL gamertag[/u][/b].
I will check your GT and if you qualify, I will send the gift to you. Winner will be announced, unless you ask me not to share your name.
To qualify, I am looking for specific games that you have played. The more of the following games you played, the bigger your chances.
[b]List of games that you should have listed as played on your XBL account:[/b]
Wolfenstein 3D,
Doom 3 BFG Edition
Quake 2,
Quake Arena Arcade,
Quake 4,
Wolfenstein: The New Order,
I played Doom and Doom Ultimate on PC. Does that count XD