Don't sell thunderlord please xur!! It's the only thing he hasn't sold so scrubs can't have it!
Hawkmlon, Monte Carlo, 4th horseman, vex and necro, you were saying
Those arent on his loot table as you cant have them on XB or Xbone. been confirmed
I know, technically he hasn't sold them
SO technically you;re wrong lol?
Its debatable
You're off to a good start to becoming a great lawyer
I carried my level 27 friend through the NF and he got thunderlord, did he earn it?
[quote]Don't sell thunderlord please xur!! It's the only thing he hasn't sold so scrubs can't have it![/quote] dang you guys are butthurt about this post
Hey dude i just met you but stop being such a raging piece of poop Thanks From the community :)
Haha me raging? This people are butthurt that i think xur doesnt count as earning, there are plenty others that feel the same
Edited by Beast123: 3/25/2015 7:00:40 PMFuc you I sell what I want
And he's going to sell it
So, in this case "scrubs" means "those unlucky with RNG/random chance"? So, if you play the lottery and lose, you're a "scrub"? Good to know.
No people that arent good at the game retard and buy stuff without earning it, buying and raiding is ok, use logic
Edited by TaeKwonSquatchy: 3/25/2015 7:50:07 PMOh the irony in your post. Okay, let's use logic. Your proposition is that those that purchase weapons from Xur didn't earn it; it is only earned if it was a reward from an event. All rewards from events = earned. Strange coins rewarded from events = earned. Strange coins rewarded from events used to purchase from Xur =/= earned? I think your argument stems from the need to feel like the drops you are given are actual accomplishments and not a product of random chance. As though your inventory is something to be prideful of. I hate to burst your bubble, but that exotic you got at the end of that raid is no more a pat on your back from the game than rolling a high number on a set of dice is a reflection on your skills at jerking your wrists.
Edited by ReyKing316: 3/25/2015 4:52:58 PM...let me give you my scenario..I've played for months...half a week after release...I've never has Thunderlord drop..even after many raids & lil bro started playing less than 2 months ago...only completed like 5-9 raids(both)....two weeks ago he had Thunderlord drop back to back NF & then if I were to buy it from xur I'm a scrub?..even tho I've played like 600hrs across all my characters?....Man go -blam!- YOURSELF!!.....Scrub...
Use common logic, that's fine, I'm talking about people that suck and can't even beat crota, they shouldn't be aloud to buy stuff
- should use common logic never stated anything about crota,or about allowing ppl who beat crota to have a certain exotic.....your post clearly stated that if players buy certain exotics they are please Use common logic when making a statement.
Yes, those 3-18 bros in crucible are definitely not scrubs.
I wouldn't even buy it is not worth the exotic slot
I heard the same about the Gjallarhorn
If I had the hunger of crota I wouldn't use the gjallarhorn
I have both...Gjally all the way.
I have every exotic in the game, except for the Crux, but who cares. Fortunately for me 90% of them have been drops. Two weeks ago I dropped Red Death while raiding. Two days later Zur was selling it...who cares. People still "earn" their strange coins by completing weekly heroics, turning in engrams, and even from nightfalls. But just so I understand you correctly...if mommy and daddy just "give" you a car, you've earned it?! No you didn't. That just makes you a spoiled cry baby bitch that will never amount to anything BUT a SCRUB!