Please say I'm not alone. I've done Crota Normal every single week with all my characters, and yet to get Swordbreaker. I just got Black Hammer for the first time 2 weeks ago which took forever, but this week Swordbreaker. Are you all experiencing the same thing or do some of you (honestly) have all the heavy and special CE raid weapons?
I've went back to playing on 360 to help my brother and his friends out (due to burn out on the game), and low and brother gets the Swordbreaker on like his 5th run on Crota ever! He's gotten everything but Black Hammer now I believe, weapon wise. I was short just one Swordbreaker when he even started trying the raid, and he's down one weapon on Normal to having them all.... Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's getting sweet loot, but c'mon man, give it up already!
EDIT: Before someone says it, yes I know that different weapons drop for different players, and that my brother may have gotten the shotty but not get Black Hammer or what have you. It just sucks seeing someone come right in after a few tries at it and get the one thing you've been grinding for for months now.
It also appears my theory is correct...majority of the community strive for that one missing weapon, which Bungie purposely does to keep us playing. Well, guess it's working.
Have them all Just missing the crux from crota on hard.
Have all of them from normal and hard. HOC took me forever to get though.
Just need light of the abyss
Have them all! All raid weapons max and all xbox exotics owned
all i need is that damn crux from hard to make a useless gun to put in the vault and collect dust until i feel like using it in a arc burn nightfall
Was waiting for that light of the abyss. Got it about a month ago. I just solo the raid now. Ez peasy
Got them all in only 6-8 completions (I forget.) RNG blessed me with crota. Also got all the hard weapons in only 3 runs.
Only got HoC and fusion rifle - Gods of RNGutted gave me shards all the way for all 3 crotas this week - sheesh
Just need sword breaker and hunger of crota
Stinkin Song of Ir Yut. I have 2 Black Hammers and at least 4-8 of every other Crota weapon (including Hard mode weapons) but cannot get a single machine gun!!
Black Hammer and Hunger of Crota... Only weapons I'm missing from either mode.
I'm still missing Black Hammer, HoC and Swordbreaker.
I'm only missing Hunger of Crota. I've only run it 5 or so times though. I just don't raid that much.
I'm missing sword breaker and the machine gun from normal
RNG keeps -blam!-ing me. I can't seem to get a Hunger of Crota to save my life. I've lost count of how many Swordbreakers and Song of Ir Yuts I've gotten.
Edited by GuardianzOfWar : 3/25/2015 6:33:29 PMHad them all since the week Hard was released. Got my Black Hammer and helmet the day before Hard came out. They released Hard on a Wed if I remember right.
Need Black Hammer.
I just need hammer
Need hammer and breaker and I'm finished.
Still missing that elusive BH. When hard mode came out I did HM straight for 5 weeks until I got the crux but otherwise NM X 3 since release and no BH. Had dupes of everything else including 6 HoCs
Till missing the black hammer even though I've had everything else a minimum of 2 times a lot of things I've had 4-5 still no fang from hard mode either and I've got a nechrocasm and 5 word of crotas !!!
Got sword breaker my first ever crota kill.
I've done it 3 times a week now this is like my 30th attempt and I still haven't gotten either heavy like what the fûcking fûck
On both raids, I'm still missing the lmg's.
Missing the fusion rifle. I have all the hard mode guns and the crux. Same with VoG. Missing Fatebringer.
I still have neither heavy, though I've done hard far more than normal.