Glowhoo is for noobs who are "proud" they finished the hard raid or for those who don't care about shaders.
One exception is with the iron banner warlock chest piece, it looks like a bad ass neon lightbulb.
I make your mom glow every Saturday and she's a hoe so stop complaining. Go -blam!- off. I did with ur mom so u can have mine if u want
Your exception... Lol You are an absolute flog!
Well I actually like it, and you come across as a bit of a c[b]u[/b]nt, so that makes me wanna wear it even more.
Dead orbit shaders for the win.... ad well as chatterwhite.
I love it on the huntet, glowing cape? Yes please
I feel like everyone has completed hard mode by now and glowhoo looks cool it makes all the white colors glow
I wore it when I beat Crota on Hard that first weekend (couldn't get on earlier). Wore all the time. Then I got Revenant.
Glowhoo with the Hunter VOG cape looks amazing though...
It's a shader bruh, get a life
The only time I thought Glowhoo looks good is on a hunter in Iron Banner gear with Knucklehead. It is just a little bit of glow in key places and is not over the top.
I like cryptographic
I kinda like it on my hunter with IB gear
Or for people who like the looks of it.
Edited by Iris: 3/26/2015 1:23:12 AMI only wear it because it's the closest I'm getting to an all black shader on my no color cloak hunter. DAMN YOU DEAD ORBIT PACKAGES! Y U NO GIVE ME SHADER!
I like it on my hunter with the raid chest and gloves.
Does anyone else say glowhoo like the yahoo yodel in their heads when they see the word??
Then why the hell do u wear it?
Edited by planedonut: 3/26/2015 12:25:25 AMerm did you forget the satire tag because you are wearing it.. even if it's an exception. Really. I wear glowhoo because it looks funny and cool at the same time
Iron regalia sleeves looks like a boss
Glowhoo + All My Victims. Shader looks awesome if you find the right "glow" combo. Although I honestly don't use it much since I level up factions and Glowhoo matches none of those class items. Yet it's still fun to dress up for Crota from time to time haha
Looks sweet with the IB gear, Hunter glowhands ftw
It doesn't look bad with glasshouse on a titan.
I like it with the shattered vault cloak, so too bad. By the way, dumb post is dumb, muted.
[quote]Glowhoo is for noobs who are "proud" they finished the hard raid or for those who don't care about shaders. One exception is with the iron banner warlock chest piece, it looks like a bad ass neon lightbulb.[/quote] glowhoo is disgusting and trashy if you rock that crap in the tower and I'm there I'll invite you too my party laugh at you then kick you
Glowhoo was only cool if you were rocking it the day of or second day after Hard Mode Launch. If you still wear it now well, you're a scrubby dub dub.