Dear, Bungie,
I'm glad you didn't see fit to punish leavers -- dumb -blam!-ing decision that was. Exotics, range-finding-shot-package-shotguns, and other shenanigans aside -- [b][i][u]leavers[/u][/i][/b] are my number one complaint for two reasons.
1. Joining late for guaranteed losses is not fun. Especially when the point deficit is such that a win is beyond recoverable.
2. Having a game go from 6v6 to 2v6 ruins the entire experience.
"B-but dey not gon git da phat lootxz at da enn'." This would be a convincing excuse to not punish players if RNGesus didn't often hand out nothing and/or scrap.
Now I'm an understanding person -- sometimes things happen and for whatever reason a player needs to gtfo the game; but, I'm betting the number of leavers I've seen haven't left due to some unforeseeable happenstance. They're rage-quitters that immediately drop when they encounter the slightest bit of an actual challenge. To that end, I propose soft bans on queuing for further crucible matches, with ascending lockout-timers based on the frequency a player is leaving their games. Something along the lines of 2min lockout for pvp queue after the first offense, 4 minutes the second time, 8 minutes the third, 8 minutes the fourth (final warning), and 16 minutes for all further offenses. The stacking-lockout debuff could decay over the period of 1 hour (that hour being reset upon further infractions). For those of you thinking "then they'll just idle! That's no better!" remember: there's a report function for a reason; as well as afk managers.
This idea isn't new and many other titles have shown its effectiveness.
Punish players for what?